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  1. Alemayehu Ayalew Tegegn

    Discussion with Wollo University   '

    On 14 December 2015, I had a fruit full discussion with two departments from Wollo University, Dr. Fikru  Mokonon,  the Plant Science department head, and Mr. Fasil Waleilgn,  Health Science department head. .

     The main topic of the discussion was “How their students become members of RSP and MAAN.  

    Next to introducing each others, I have described NMA-Project and MAAN.  And the reason why ISD is invited Wollo University students to this network.

    Benefit of students and university from MAAN in related to Nutrition.

    1. It is good opportunity to learn more  from  this networks:
    • Ø Through exchange ideas from other NMA project member’s country.
    • Ø From their community and community workers like health workers and agriculture development agent.
    • Ø They can collect Ideas for their thesis or any assignment related to nutrition.  
    • Ø And it is good opportunity to display their ideas to collect comment on their professional journey.  
    • Ø And information initiate us to go further and to do more, So, the instructor will benefit them to do more through the process of catching their students.    
    1. Knowledge Bank and other many relevant information/ sources.  Like FAO, SUN, WHO and other food and nutrition related topics are accessible through this network.  
    2.   And they learn more;   of course they share to other and contribute to the project success.  

    The two department head surprised about the time how this linked with the agenda that they were discussing in meeting on this day.

    Dr, Fikru raised from his long term experience that why the issue of nutrition ignored in Ethiopia.   But current the government and other actors gave  high attention and  he remember that last week  Ministry of Education sent new circulated to the University to establish “Human Nutrition department” and this is good opportunity to both the students and university.  Ato Fasil added that Nutrition course has provided to different field in the human health, such as “ public health” and “ Nursing “  both have been taking this course but different approach based on the course characteristics.


    Some clarification question were raised from them like, Does ISD have a specify demand on this, I responded that ISD does not have any specific demand, the criteria is commitment to talk and work on human Nutrition, specially learn to address children and women nutrition  issue.  And I forwared that they can learn more from the MAAN and NMA-document.    We concluded that, the issue of nutrition that came from ISD is timely and wel-come.  Especially the approach to link agriculture and heath together is well-taken.  

    So, Wednesday 16, December 2015   has taken as tentative plan to talk with selected students from both horticulture and health department students, maximum 10 from each. The students will be selected based on their criteria either from the post graduate or first degree students. The main point is they must have interest to work with the community. Better if they have rural work background.  They suggested focusing more to postgraduate students. 

    Alex, ISD 

  2. Dear all, Greeting from Alex,

    I am worrying the current situation of people. Why we break our commitment?. There are evidences that we are committed in life, eg- To find our partners (girl/boy friend or wife/husband) we are running here and there, we do not stop until  we reach final,  Another, We are committed to do give our life for something eg. Look the terrorists, how they are committed to keep the innocents.

    So, why the development worker lost their commitment.

    1. What are the sources of commitment? And how commitment sustain?
    2. Why people commit? Do we commit to find our basic need or to fulfill our life purpose or . . . 
    3. Does commitment created or gifted or given from some where
    4. Do we all, the practitioner, academicals, Public servant,. . . are commit to serve our people?
    5. How we committee to enhance our capacity? To serve more our users


    Pls, react if you have ideas on these points.

  3. Dear Selam, and other all RSP from Wollo and Woldeya universities,. And the same as all target woreda RSP, like Abiy

    Greeting  from Alex. I have two things that I want to ask your efforts.

    1. Pls, test your self by writing something about nutrition related issue and post it for comment 
    2. Pls, encourage and help other to join this MAAN, 
      This is because, you will be benefited and learn  more when you interact with others. 

    The main point is exchanging our opinion and ideas in related to the issue.


    1. What do you think about the cause and effect of Nutrition in Ethiopian rural community.
    2. Where is the sources of nutrition for urban community?

    Pls, react on this, and these are open for any one who is willing to share own ideas



  4. Where we find true happiness?

    Does it from holiday? Does it from receiving gift, May be having a lot of money or may be  . . . .

    Yes, there will be a lot of sources for happiness; it depends on our background or on our current situation. The happiness from Yemene Birhan teachers come from their service provided to helpless students.

    Today, Wednesday 6 January, 2016. I invited by Yenema Birhan school charity club to attend the thank you and holiday gift ceremony to their students. The Holiday gift was 60 shoes for all 60 students those who supported feeding program. They are from grade 1 to grade 10th. .  Two teachers from the charity club assigned to buy the shoes and went to “Merkato” (The largest open market in Africa).

    They have tired by searching the shoe around Merkato based on their budget.  But they couldn’t find. Then, they sat on the door of one shoes shop.  They were negotiating better to say begging the shopkeeper to discount some amount of money. But the shopkeeper told them that the price is fixed. One young man was hearing the dialogue between the teachers and the shopkeeper.  The teachers told softly to the shopkeeper her contribution that they are not retailer; they are buying to disadvantage students for holiday (for those have not any shoe). But the shopkeeper did not accept teacher’s discount request.

    They became hopeless to find good shoes by the budget and discussed what they do. And they decided to back home with fade up feeling.

     The story started here

    Suddenly, the young man who sat aside at the door the shoe shop and was hearing the dialogue of the teachers called them.  Asked them how much they need, the teachers said, it is more than 2000 birr.  He asked again how many shoes they want; they said 60 shoes for both 42 boys and 28 girls.  He told to the shopkeeper to provide all 60 shoes to the teachers and paid 7899 Birr for all shoes. It is around 131.65 for each.  The teachers surprised and did not believe what is going on.   He told them again to wait few minutes and he called someone to bring some amount of Birr.  And he gave additional 5000 by saying please prepare holiday lunch. Still they are more surprised and did not control themselves.  After a few minutes, they back to control their emotion.  They couldn’t find any words to say something. They invited him to come and see the ceremony but he said no. just God be with you.  They left the place by thank you him. But the feeling is presented with them until today since last Monday January 4. Because they went with less than 5000 birr but “God” gave 12899 Birr. Where we find the happiness?

    Because of ISD –CSSP project they are feeding more than 60 students fully by the income generated from the rent shop. Another 60 students from KG supported from “Ye-enat gada” project, Ye-enat Gada project is headed by the first lady-W/ro Roman Tesfay (Prime minster H/M wife)  

     During thank you and handed over shoe ceremony, they thanked ISD-CSSP “. . . not only for contribution of the project but the project re-builds the hope of the teachers and saved all this student to attend their school properly . . .....” said the v/director Ato Mulugeta.  During the ceremony, the face of all teacher was smiled even the students. 

    I am surprised about the young man, but more surprised the charity club teachers. They are blessed that is why God compensate their tired through this blessed young man.  

    Sources- Yemane Birhan Charity club     

  5. Functional capacities for coordination and effective scaling up of nutrition in action

    The 2015 SUN-Ethiopia Report indicated that it should be a key area to work on attitude and behaviors of multi-stakeholders who engage on the nutrition issue. 

    1. 1.    How can we bring all together individual with shared ideas and interest to promote nutrition?
    2. 2.    What is the ground practice and academician view?  On this issue.  Pls share you experiences. 
  6. Dear all, Greeting from Alex

    There are concerns that increasing women’s engagement in agriculture could have a negative effect on nutrition because it limits the time available for nutrition-improving reproductive work. However, very few empirical studies have been able to analyse whether these concerns are well-founded. . 


    How does women’s time in reproductive work and agriculture affect maternal and child nutrition?

    I am copying this discussion points for waiting some thing from you. Pls share your experiences based on the points 


  7. Dear All MAAN members , 

    Greeting from Alex.  This from the capital of the Pakistan, Islamabad, 
    Inline image 1
    Dear All MAAN members , 
    Greeting from Alex.  This from the capital of the Pakistan, Islamabad, 
    I am attending the NMA project which is extremely important for us more than expected. 
    All, Immediately, as soon as I come, i try to contact you as much as.  possible. 
    As it am more clear about the implementation. We should reach MAAN plat members up to 100 from all target area. 
    Among these 100 registered members. at least 50 of them should apply for the phase to phase training (capacity building training) in Addis or some where will be selected next. 
    The application of the course will be launching soon on the plat form. 
    The, 25 of the best RSP application (based on clear criteria) will be selected.for the face to face training here is Addis or somewhere. All these 25 trained RSP will develop joint micro intervention proposal (At least 3, person/oragnization/ together. It is preferable together with agriculture and health sector. As the project is expected to be nutritional sensitive agriculture (NSA). I hope many of you specially from Haik, Wuchali and Holleta knew what RSP, MAAN and NSA. 
    Our Capacity development training facilitated by Konrad from South Africa.  but I will give detail orientation on these. 
    To use these capacity development training and micro intervention project. we should reach our MAAN 100 members. but still we  (registered MAAN) are around 30.  we should go faster. You should inspire agriculture and health workers to register on MAAN and use this opportunity. There are many friend who interested to register but they are urban life. we need to work and support the extension workers outside the main town. 
    Pls, run fast to invite interested person to join our MAAN-network  and reflect their view like Ato Yimam from Haik. 
    Still I am proudly said that good opportunity for those who interested to develop their profession and learn more for his/her future career. Because of our less experience to read professional and work related book, it seems  difficulty.  But try to join and reflect what you think. This is because, the application and the project goes through this network. no hard paper and telephone talk except advice and guidance. 
    You should download the guideline and application format and the same to project format. 
    use the opportunty. 
    Wish all the best 
    Alex from Islamabad. 
    Inline image 1
    I am attending the NMA project which is extremely important for us more than expected. 
    All, Immediately, as soon as I come, i try to contact you as much as.  possible. 
    As it am more clear about the implementation. We should reach MAAN plat members up to 100 from all target area. 
    Among these 100 registered members. at least 50 of them should apply for the phase to phase training (capacity building training) in Addis or some where will be selected next. 
    The application of the course will be launching soon on the plat form. 
    The, 25 of the best RSP application (based on clear criteria) will be selected.for the face to face training here is Addis or somewhere. All these 25 trained RSP will develop joint micro intervention proposal (At least 3, person/oragnization/ together. It is preferable together with agriculture and health sector. As the project is expected to be nutritional sensitive agriculture (NSA). I hope many of you specially from Haik, Wuchali and Holleta knew what RSP, MAAN and NSA. 
    Our Capacity development training facilitated by Konrad from South Africa.  but I will give detail orientation on these. 
    To use these capacity development training and micro intervention project. we should reach our MAAN 100 members. but still we  (registered MAAN) are around 30.  we should go faster. You should inspire agriculture and health workers to register on MAAN and use this opportunity. There are many friend who interested to register but they are urban life. we need to work and support the extension workers outside the main town. 
    Pls, run fast to invite interested person to join our MAAN-network  and reflect their view like Ato Yimam from Haik. 
    Still I am proudly said that good opportunity for those who interested to develop their profession and learn more for his/her future career. Because of our less experience to read professional and work related book, it seems  difficulty.  But try to join and reflect what you think. This is because, the application and the project goes through this network. no hard paper and telephone talk except advice and guidance. 
    You should download the guideline and application format and the same to project format. 
    use the opportunty. 
    Wish all the best 
    Alex from Islamabad. 
Ethiopia ET