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  1.  Gerado  keble NMA project Activity

  2. Dear all RSPs and other sustainable development actors/heros

    Here I have attached a promotion brochure for my MicroPromotion brouchure by Zenebech Koricho(RSP, Ethiopia).pub Iintervention Project in Haik(Ethiopia.For any comments I am always online

  3. Dear Zenebech Koricho

      I have seen your Promotion Brochure  It is relay very use full I am Proud of U please keep it up



  4. Horizontal evaluation of NMA in Ethiopia Oct, 2017

    A horizontal evaluation of NMA was conducted in Ethiopia on Oct,2017. In the horizontal evaluation program, concerned bodies from Nepal and pakistan were found. From Ethiopia members of the ministry of health, ministry of agriculture, and SDC were found; Some  RSPs from Ethiopia were also participants of the program. What I like to admire is every participant of the evaluation was communicating in all sessions with ''same voice for nutrition''; really without exaggeration. The issue of sustainability of NMA, the issue of leadership, the issue of gender sensitivity in the evaluation were special ornaments of the evaluation.

    Moreover NMA has really created a social network not only among RSPs; it also has created a bond among RSPs and   other nutrition actors and partners; whose cumulative effort and result is towards sustainable development.

    After I return home, I have read that a health system is sustainable if it initiates changes together with many other endevours. So that the changes initiated with micro intervention projects of the NMA are also indications of sustainability of NMA.

    with regards

    zenebech Koricho

    (RSP, Ethiopia)


    NMA has created special friendship between peoples of different countries. Even though they have same voice for nutrition,the gift from Pakistan (5 types of nuts packed in one) was exciting; because the intention comes from the inner derive towards the issue of sustainability with its ultimate goal of sustainable development goals.(Shazia from Pakistan with Pakistan traditional clothes, Red cream (Helivitas pakistan) and Zenebech from Ethiopia with Ethiopian  traditional clothes, white cream (RSP, Ethiopia); Shazia offering the gift from Pakistan a cocktail of vitamin A rich nuts.


    NMA has created intimacy between peoples of different cultures.(Alok from Nepal slicing bread  at Aregashe's home, one of organic farmers in Holeta

    NMA has created intimacy between peoples of different cultures.The Horizontal evaluation participants enjoying the dietary diversity  at

    Aregash's  home of the end of the field visit.




    Success story from Ethiopia /Tesfaye.M

    My name is Tesfaye  Maluku I have worked in Amhara region south wollo zone Ambassel Woreda agricultural expert and a Rural Service Provider at Tissaablima kebele 02 which is 60 k.m  far from Dessie town when I was worked with Dessie  ISD staff  push and  pull technology works  together and I have system information about  NMA project from space manager of Ethiopia Alex told me about the plant form I was very interested and join the network after join plant form and learned a lot about nutrition sensitive agriculture also I participated on different capacity building training which was organized ISD then I prepared and won my first micro intervention project proposal on promotion of dietary diversification.

    My project is improving the use of nutrition valuable products through effective processing for household use, sale and storage in rural community.

    • My micro intervention project begins by launching the project for key woreda and kebele stakeholders and woreda nutrition comitte then after baseline survey with kebele health and agriculture extension workers in Tissa abalima community after we finish the survey we facilitated focus group discussion after that we launched the project the officially with the project stakeholders woreda, kebele and woreda nutrition community we have presented baseline survey report from the report understated  that in Tissaabalima area they have all production their but they don’t have diversity eating habit so they took initiative to work with me based on the gap baseline data to improve nutrition sensitive organic agriculture and the success of mi project

        I provide Different Capacity   building training to improve the nutrition valuable products, organic vegetable production storage and nutrition sensitive how to diversify food groups what they have how to prepare food and use effectively.

         I have selected 5 households to Prepare food and product organic vegetable female farmers who took training were understood how it is important and successfully promotion of dietary diversification. In My Project area there is different Production but the Community did not have a habit for diversified food but now they tried and start diversified food groups during preparation. What they have.

           My Challenge was during   Baseline, End line Survey and Focus Group discussion the stakeholders and most community was very busy by government meeting and crop harvesting.

    • The selected stakeholders planned to empower the community to improve dietary diversification and some changes are happening, especially the committee members mobilized the MI project area community members by creating room for discussion and experience exchange programs. Also the stakeholders identified the direct beneficiaries and women directly benefited from the project.

    I prepared a plan for the selected households and neighbors. Then give them awareness about the packages. These packages are

    Awareness raising sessions with 5 women groups by invited nutrition expert and health extension to teach food preparation, handling homemade processing

    Content of the training

    • Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture in MAAN
    • Nutrition
    • Types of nutrient
    • Malnutrition
    • Dilatory diversity
    • Food groups
    • Food preparation

    Lako menza clustors Tissa abalima micro project Dilatory diversity training for selected women teaching by invited nutrition experts and heath extension  up to April 12/2009 e.

    On training 5 selected women about dilatory diversity, preparation and how to promote other rural community by inviting nutrition expert  

    On training 5 selected women about dilatory diversity, preparation and how to promote other rural community by inviting nutrition expert


     Promotion   of Dietary   Diversity Experience sharing   with the community


    5 women beneficiaries’ and promote Dietary Diversity   Tisabalima Rular Community   by RSPS may 2009

    As we have seen practically and the told as through focus group discussion and food festivity day we learn a lot of things,

    The 5 selected beneficiaries have gotten altitude change about nutrition, balanced diet,nutrition sensitive agriculture improved homemade processing/ how to prepared food they use own product rather than selling /no bought packed food from the shop or market and they now the difference early child growth and late child growth when the compare that due to the impact of that women and children get the right nutrition during the first  1000 days two of them from 5 beneficiaries 

    w/ro Enani Abera and Ergoye Yasin we have seen the change  as they said, Nutrition during the pregnancy in the first years of child:s life provides   the essential  building blocks for brain development and health growth.It is why it is critical that women and children get the right nutrition during this time. Malnutrition early in life can cause irreversible damage to children’s brain development and their physical growth, leading to a diminished capacity to learn, poorer performance in school, greater susceptibility to infection and disease and a lifetime of lost earning potential



  6. Strength of social capital discussion

    My MI project beneficiaries of Bededo community have discussed about the project sustainability and strength of their social capital  on 26/11/2017 in my(RSP’s) house Participants were 5 mothers  with  their 5 husbands

    Look the picture and begin from the left

    Asseged, Hager (not in picture),Zehara ,Mekya ,Toyba, Zehara’s husband, Hager’s  husband, Mekya’s  husband and Ato tadese (Asseged’s  Husband).


  7. News briefs NMA phase I

    Nutrition in mountainous ecosystems(NMA) phase I is a small scale nutrition sensitive intervention project owned by ISD and supported by IFOAM. Its implementation started in 2015 by disseminating its objectives to institutions (e.g. Universities) and individuals (RSPs);and also by the capacity development interventions and all other necessary supports of IFOAM. In Ethiopia overall 25 RSPs were involved in its implementation based on various project themes including promotion of dietary diversity, Market access to organic vegetables and  promotion of dietary diversity, processing of foods, production of organic vegetables, mushroom, Innovation- machine to process enset e.t.c.

    Now the NMA phase I is completed with its tangible results. The success of NMA is because of the genuine participation of beneficiaries, RSPs as well as stakeholders.Now the one year journey of NMA phase I which was decorated by technical and all other supports of ISD and IFOAM have been put on the ground. So that the RSPs have been recognized for completion of NMA phase I, awarded certificate of achivement and other supporters of NMA phase I also awarded the certificate of their contribution. NMA phase I now is coiled to be released when the NMA phase II started.(NMA phase I is an input to other phases of NMA).

    Let us keep working, sharing, until we get the gold in the needy community.

    Zenebech Koricho(RSP), Ethiopia

  8. NMA phase I is an input to other phases of NMA)

    The success of NMA phase 1 is because of the genuine participation of beneficiaries, RSPs as well as stakeholders.

    The technical and all other supports of ISD and IFOAM have been put on the ground.

    Let us keep working, sharing, until we get the gold in the needy community.

    Zenebech Koricho(RSP, Lacomelza geographic cluster)


  9. Definitions of nutrition

    Everybody has their own experience of food andeating, so it is likely that people will have different ideas about what is meant by nutrition. Some may see eating as a means of meeting our basic physiological needs and warding off hunger, and others as a pleasurable experience in its own right and something to anticipate and plan. These represent the two extremes implied by the sayings ‘eat to live’ and ‘live to eat’.

    In reality, eating is far more complicated than this, involving aspects of our psychological make-up and current state of mind, our genetic blueprint, the social environment of which we are a part, our economic situation and externalfactors relating to the availability of the food.These will be explored in more detail in Chapter 2.Eating also does more than just keep us alive.When insufficient food or specific nutrientsare supplied, some physiological adaptation may occur to minimize the consequences. Eventually,however, a deficiency state will arise.At the beginning of the twentieth century, most of the science of nutrition was directed at discovering the essential nutrients, studying the effects of insufficient intakes and determining the quantities needed to prevent deficiency states.

    Since then it has gradually been recognized that good nutrition is not simply a matter of providing enough of all the nutrients. We now realize that diets in the affluent Western countries, although apparently containing all the necessary nutrients, are probably contributing to many of the diseases afflicting these populations. Much research has been focused on finding which nutrients are linked to which diseases, in an effort to promote a change in the dietary intake and hence an improvement in health.

    Since the 1970s a great deal of advice has been aimed at encouraging people to eat a healthier balance of foods, thereby reducing disease. The emphasis in the twenty-first century has started to move towards promoting positive health through diet, know as optimum nutrition. However, nutritionists recognize that altering people’s food intake is complicated because diets are influenced by many factors other than the need to eat and the

    desire for well-being.

    It can be seen that arriving at a definition of nutrition is far from straightforward. Two rather different definitions have been suggested, describing nutrition as:the study of foods and nutrients vital to health and how the body uses these to promote and support growth, maintenance and reproduction

    of cells’ or the study of the relationship between people and their food’.

    The first definition deals only with the nutrients, what happens to them within the human body and what the results are if insufficient amounts are provided. However, people do not eat nutrients, they eat food. This definition ignores all the external factors that play a role in our approach to food and that are crucial in any study of what people are eating. These factors are different for each individual, depending on cultural background and the circumstances of a person’s life.

    The second definition takes a much broader perspective, from the supply of food and all the influences thereon, to the individual’s food selection and, finally, to the physiological and biochemical effects of the nutrients in the human body, and the consequences for health and survival. It also recognizes that nutritionists do not only study the effects of nutrients on biochemical and physiological functioning, they have an additional responsibility to translate their knowledge for those who produce,process and market the foods. Furthermore, nutritionists must be involved in the formulation of policy that determines the access by consumers to food. Finally, consumers need the help of nutritionists to enable them to make the best of the food available. Only by broadening our definition of the subject across the fullrange of human relationships with food can nutrition have its justified place in human well-being.


    With regards

  10. Medical correlations of nutrition

    People with chronic back pain due to dehydrated discs and irritated muscles do themselves a disservice by not taking the time to address the spine’s nutritional needs. Anyone with chronic back pain or a disc bulge will need to work daily to maintain muscle strength and prevent a re-injury. Water intake falls into the category of being a goal that is continuously met each and every day, and it is one that is completely underestimated in terms of importance. Getting the proper hydration everyday will have countless benefits that will show up in daily brain function, skin health, muscle strength, and most importantly spine health. Even a few extra glasses of water every day can make a big difference and add up over time. When starting any new rehab program or even investing the time into traction to help the disc heal itself, always remember to drink water at the end so that you have an optimal outcome.  You’re born with 23 spinal discs and only one spine, so drink that extra glass of water because at the end of the day a well-hydrated disc is a happy disc.

    Right posture, proper exercise and good nutrition are the key elements for disc rehydration.

    With regards

    Zenebech Koricho(RSP,Lacomelza cluster,Ethiopia)

  11. Diet diversity

    Diet diversity, is a long standing public health recommendation. Yet, remarkably,  For example, it is unknown whether dietary diversity reduces intakes of unhealthy food components such as refined grains, processed meat, salt, or trans-fat, e.t.c. In addition, most , but not all evidence to date link dietary diversity and quality to weight gain and metabolic disorders including type II diabetes (T2D) incidence and mortality.

    Source፡PLoS One. 2015; 10(10): e0141341.

    Dietary diversity(Operationalizing dietary diversity)

    Dietary diversity (DD) is universally recognized as a key component of healthy diets. There is still, however, a lack of consensus on how to measure and operationalize DD. This article reviews published literature on DD, with a focus on the conceptual and operational issues related to its measurement in developing countries. Findings from studies of the association between DD and individual nutrient adequacy, child growth and/or household socioeconomic factors are summarized. DD is usually measured using a simple count of foods or food groups over a given reference period, but a number of different groupings, classification systems and reference periods have been used. This limits comparability and generalizability of findings. The few studies that have validated DD against nutrient adequacy in developing countries confirm the well-documented positive association observed in developed countries. A consistent positive association between dietary diversity and child growth is also found in a number of countries. Evidence from a multicountry analysis suggests that household-level DD diversity is strongly associated with household per capita income and energy availability, suggesting that DD could be a useful indicator of food security. The nutritional contribution of animal foods to nutrient adequacy is indisputable, but the independent role of animal foods relative to overall dietary quality for child growth and nutrition remains poorly understood. DD is clearly a promising measurement tool, but additional research is required to improve and harmonize measurement approaches and indicators. Validation studies are also needed to test the usefulness of DD indicators for various purposes and in different contexts.

    Source፡J Nutr. 2003 Nov;133(11 Suppl 2):3911S-3926S. doi: 10.1093/jn/133.11.3911S.


  12. The Issue of personalized nutrition

    People have highly variable postmeal glucose responses to identical meals.

    Following current dietary guidelines may result in high glycemic responses in some subjects, accelerating metabolic disease development, which the guidelines were intended to prevent.

    An individual's microbiome is a driver of interpersonal variability in postmeal responses.

    Integrating personal parameters and microbiome features into an algorithm may allow more accurate predictions of personalized postmeal glucose response to defined meals.

    Personalized diets normalize postmeal glucose responses and increase compliance.

    A personalized nutritional approach based on validated algorithms may be relevant for effectively promoting individual health.

    Source: Advances in nutrition, an international review journal

    With regards

    Zenebech Koricho(RSP, Lacomelza Geographic cluster, Ethiopia)


    Terminology in food and nutrition


    Food science is the study of the physical, biological, and chemical makeup of food and the concepts underlying food processing. Food technology, on the other hand, is the application of food science to the selection, preservation, processing, packaging, distribution, and use of safe food.Feb 24, 2011




    What are the differences between Nutrition and Food Science?


    Although these two majors are similar in that they both center on food, their emphasis on its implications are very different. Nutrition studies the relationship between foods and its effect on an individual’s health. Nutrition considers topics such as obesity, malnutrition, food insecurity and nutritional deficiencies. In comparison, Food Science considers chemical, biological, and physical properties of food in relation to manufacturing, processing, and storage of food products.


     Source: Internet

    With regards

    Zenebech Koricho (RSP, Lacomelza geographic cluster, Ethiopia)



  14. Better nutrition and better lives through agriculture

    Agriculture as a source of food

    This is the most direct route to improving the diet (quantity and quality) and is based on two assumptions: (i) that increases in production of a range of foods, including dairy, fish, fruits, grains, livestock, root crops and vegetables, enhance food availability and access to a diverse diet; and (ii) that increased food availability and access will lead to greater intake and improved nutrition at the individual level.

    Agriculture as a source of income

     This is based upon the assumption that an increase in income from agriculture–related activities (including processing and sale of agricultural products or wages earned) is used to purchase higher–quality, nutrition–dense food that is consumed by individual household members.

    Agriculture as a driver of food prices

    Increased availability of food through more–efficient production techniques, improved technologies (for post–harvest storage, processing and distribution) and domestic and trade policies affects a range of supply and demand factors and influences the price of food (fresh and processed). This in turn affects the income and purchasing power of households.


    Agriculture to empower women

     Initiatives that both educate women and enhance their involvement in agriculture–based activities can strengthen women’s capacity, increase their access to, and control over, resources and assets, consequently augmenting their power to make decisions on the allocation of food, health and care within their household.


    Agriculture to contribute to macroeconomic growth

     Agriculture is the dominant productive sector in many developing countries. Increasing agricultural productivity raises national revenue, increasing the funds available to invest in improving essential basic social services, such as education and health, and safety–net programmes, which have been shown to improve nutrition outcomes.


    Agriculture to ensure sustainable food and nutrition security and resilience

     Protecting and promoting biodiversity is essential to support dietary diversity and the preservation of ecosystems. Agricultural practices that promote the sustainability of natural resources (biodiversity, forestry, soil and water) ensure the long–term future of agricultural production and the sustainability of livelihoods and build resilience to climate change.

    Let's strive to realize nutrition sensitive agriculture


    With regards

    Zenebech Koricho(RSP, Lacomelza area geographic cluster, Ethiopia)

Ethiopia ET