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  1. Dear all Ethiopian RSP,  I hope things are going well in your side  I have read the following from food tank  blog "Restoring interest and investment in indigenous crops may offer a solution to food insecurity and the increasing loss of biodiversity. Some traditional plant varieties can help improve nutrition and health, improve local economies, create resilience to climate change, revitalize agricultural biodiversity, and help preserve tradition and culture. 

    I hope resorting the indigenous crops will be apprenticed in NAM micro innervation but focusing on the  improve nutrition and health. So, pls revist and observe deeply about your community related to their  crops  


  2. The role of organic agriculture ,whether in farming ,processing ,distribution or conception is to sustain and enhance the health of ecosystems and organisms from the smallest in the soil to human beings in particular organic agriculture is   intended to produce high quality, nutritious food that contributes to preventive health care and well being .in view of this it should avoid the use of fertilazers, pestisides, animals drugs  additives that may have advers health effects.

    Sourse; east Africa organic products standards 2007.

  3. user-d876e

    Why do you eat organic?

    eating organic helps to reduce your body's total toxic burden. Pesticides and herbicides are by their very nature toxic, and your diet chronically exposes you to these dangerous poisons. ... Luckily, eating organic foods can reduce pesticide buildup.


    The benefits of organic food


    • Organic produce contains fewer pesticides. ...
    • Organic food is often fresher because it doesn't contain preservatives that make it last longer. ...
    • Organic farming is better for the environment. ...
    • Organically raised animals are NOT given antibiotics, growth hormones, or fed animal byproducts.

  4. user-d876e

    Here are the top 10 reasons to choose organic foods today:
    • Avoid chemicals. ...
    • Benefit from more nutrients. ...
    • Enjoy better taste. ...
    • Avoid GMO. ...
    • Avoid hormones, antibiotics and drugs in animal products. ...
    • Preserve our ecosystems. ...
    • Reduce pollution and protect water and soil. ...
    • Preserve agricultural diversity.
  5. user-d876e

    What is the definition of organic food?

    Simply stated, organic produce and other ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. Animals that produce meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products do not take antibiotics or growth hormones.Foods claiming to be organic must be free of artificial food additives, and are often processed with fewer artificial methods, materials and conditions, such as chemical ripening, food irradiation, and genetically modified ingredients. Pesticides are allowed as long as they are not synthetic.

    Is organic natural?

    Unfortunately, natural does not mean organic and comes with no guarantees. "Natural foods" are often assumed to be foods that are minimally processed and do not contain any hormones, antibiotics or artificial flavors. ... Organic is the most heavily regulated food system.

  6. user-d876e

    How is organic farming better for the environment? food security in context of Ethiopia because of drought and  famine is problems , is that production and productivity is possible with out using of in organic technology for agriculture ????????

    please reply 


  7. hay all members how was holiday

  8. On September 11/2017 there were Discussion and sharing  experience of Bededo MI community

    The discussion  were focus on producing vegetable and consume diversified food , building social capital and related issues .

    reflection of participants

    • Ø Ato Tadesse  Asseged's hasband advised  a neighbor to construct a toilet house .some added to support their neighbor in material.
    • Ø Asseged and Zehara reminded what happened and appreciated in the work shop on July 28/2017   about Ashuk (roasted and boiled bean.
    • Ø They mentioned that more encouraged themselves

     and adapted to  eat Ashuk (roasted and boiled bean)

    • Ø Asseged added that what  she gained about 3000/three thousand Et. birr from the project by Producing and selling  vegetables and consume her family..look picture 1






  9. After the discussion  the group visited Toyba's  garden and wedding  carrots in groups. It is appreciate-able to works together. look picture 2


  10. Finally the program ended by visiting a new delivered(give birth)  mother house(Hager ) in the form of community culture. look picture  3


  11. Dear ALL MAAN members, as  Lacomelza cluster we  were announced that we will have a meeting in Hayke about the progress of our MI Projects. Therefore , by keeping our promises almost all RSPs were presented in Logo Hayek TVET. Then after,each of us shared our experiences and what achievements were seen in our respective cites  from the beginning up to now. A lot has been presented and we finalized it by pledged  to strengthen our followup activities from now on wards. i kindly request all participants to add other points which were raised and  what i forget wright now.  

  12. Dear@hanyamohammed , as you mentioned we have done  serious and supportive discussion over there. Generally the meeting  become an indicator of how our MI PROJECTS enables to create a sense of belongingness and ownership. Surprisingly, no one forced us to do that ,the one and the only thing which bind us together was responsibility. I think the  objective of  ISD in regarding Capacity building is closer to its goal.

  13. Thank you Selam for your idea what i forget please the rest lacomelza cluster Rsp add more.

    Thank u


  14. Top 10 Health Benefits of Flaxseeds


    1. Flaxseeds Are Loaded With Nutrients


    2. Flaxseeds Are High in Omega-3 Fats


    3. Flaxseeds Are a Rich Source of Lignans, Which May Reduce Cancer Risk


    4. Flaxseeds Are Rich in Dietary Fiber


    5. Flaxseeds May Improve Cholesterol


    6. Flaxseeds May Lower Blood Pressure


    7. They Contain High-Quality Protein


    8. Flaxseeds May Help Control Blood Sugar


    9. Flaxseeds Keep Hunger at Bay, Which May Aid Weight Control


    10. Flaxseeds Can Be a Versatile Ingredient


     source  NEWSLETTER health line Authority Nutrition

  15. World Food Day: 16 October 2017

    World Food Day is a day of action dedicated to tackling global hunger. Held annually on 16th October, people from around the world come together to declare their commitment to eradicate worldwide hunger from our lifetime. 

    Celebrating the creation of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), events are organized in over 150 countries across the world, making it one of the most celebrated days of the UN calendar. These events promote worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure food security and nutritious diets for all. The focus of the day is that food is a basic and fundamental human right. Yet, in a world of billions, 805 million people worldwide live with chronic hunger, 60% women and almost five million children under the age of five die of malnutrition-related causes every day.

    The theme for 2016 was "climate is changing, food and agriculture must too." One of the biggest challenges to food security is climate change and its effects on agriculture. Many of the world’s farmers and fishermen are struggling to cope with increasing temperatures and weather-related disasters.

    The World Food Day 2017 focuses on SDG 2 - Zero Hunger. Follow the discussion in the run up to World Food Day using #ZeroHunger. For more information,

    visit the World Food Programme website.

  16. NMA evaluation  from 20 -23 in October 2017  in Ethiopia completed  successfully.








  17. NMA evaluation  from 20 -23 in October 2017  in Ethiopia completed  successfully

    Overall evaluation process and assessment of the MI project was  done in Ethiopia,  with Pakistan and Nepal  from 20 -23 in October 2017 to Ensure sustainability

     . A team of 2 persons Barbara and Katherien  were  lead the evaluation process. We are all  involved  to discuss with peers.







  18. The NMA MI project is active  in  Tehuledere woreda in Beded0 01 Kebele focus on

    Eight  target HHs level . After end line survey data collected we discus with FDG on 05/11/2017.

    The discussions  with the community members about quality of the work, feeding habit, sustainability of project and benefits to the community and stakeholders

    • FGDs/meetings with community groups including  local government line 

    •  Agriculture Extension department

    • Health Extension department

    • Micro Finance Extension department

    • Kebele Administrator

    • Kebele chairman and Vice chairman


    The NMA MI project is active  in  Tehuledere woreda in Beded0 01 Kebele focus on

    Eight  target HHs level . After end line survey data collected we discus with FDG on 05/11/2017.

    The discussions  with the community members about quality of the work, feeding habit, sustainability of project and benefits to the community and stakeholders

    • FGDs/meetings with community groups including  local government line 

    •  Agriculture Extension department

    • Health Extension department

    • Micro Finance Extension department

    • Kebele Administrator

    • Kebele chairman and Vice chairman


  20. Namaste!!!

    Dear all Ethiopian RSPs and MAAN member's, how are you? Im back from India.

    Now,I'm preparing  a few slides about Organic World congress,2017 to share for you and will post it soon.


    yours Selam yimer,



  21. My MI P fruits in Bededo community

    We have successful Journey one year in Bededo with my beneficiary by training, door to door visiting 

    ex/sharing, working together, monitoring and evaluation one year pilot  MI P evaluation was on Nov/24/2017 lead by Alex .


  22. FGD events in Bededo

    We work together  for a year successfully. I learn a lot and Share it With My stockholder Increasing production diversity on  HH level. It is well known that  households typically consume a sizable part of what they produce at home. Based on end line survey  my selective (focus) group discus about sustainability




    Strength of social capital discussion

    My MI project beneficiaries of Bededo community have discussed about the project sustainability and strength of their social capital  on 26/11/2017 in my(RSP’s) house Participants were 5 mothers  with  their 5



    Look the picture and begin from the left

    Asseged, Hager (not in picture),Zehara ,Mekya ,Toyba, Zehara’s husband, Hager’s  husband, Mekya’s  husband and Ato tadese (Asseged’s  Husband).


  24. My college is the natural development zone for nutrition education

    Man need to understand  about appropriate diet for health,  they need to have also the skills to make proper food choicesas well as eating habits. Helping people in doing so it is the role of my college nutrition education for club members.

    More over, in my college  there is offer nutrition education. Where it is offered, it often focuses on increasing pupils’ knowledge of good nutrition,  and establishing good eating practices. on the aims of nutrition education .

    Due to these we give awareness creation about nutrition for  Male 120 F 145 T 265 club

    members on Dec.20/2017 for a day

  25. My college is the natural development zone for nutrition education

    Man need to understand  about appropriate diet for health,  they need to have also the skills to make proper food choicesas well as eating habits. Helping people in doing so it is the role of my college nutrition education for club members.

    More over, in my college  there is offer nutrition education. Where it is offered, it often focuses on increasing pupils’ knowledge of good nutrition,  and establishing good eating practices. on the aims of nutrition education .

    Due to these we give awareness creation about nutrition for  Male 120 F 145 T 265 club members on Dec.20/2017 for a day

  26.  I would like to thank all  MAAN members ,NMA ,RSP, Ifoam , ISD -----staff   for your excellence participation in nutrition  area

    I wish you happy new year 2018


    Unique  events of 2017 in nutrition   is Addis Ababa November 07/2017 Ethiopia is preparing its first-ever National Food and Nutrition Policy to fulfill the nation's ambition to end malnutrition and stunting by 2030.

    Ready to be active in 2018 to make unique events



    Dear all -------. What is your feeling After Paronama  departon event?

    My feeling of 2017 is Nutritional Events  which brings  major share for us

    • Food fair in holeta lemigary

    • Markus visiting Ethiopia –Bededo

    • Regional Work shop  food festival in Dessie with Shaknoza

    • Bededo and Tita  mother’s show lik ergo& Ashuque

    • Gaw in wollo university dssie

    • NMA Evaluation progame lead by Barbara & Katter  in Ethiopia hotel

    • Visiting of Holeta  to Worknesh and Aregash house

    • The first 1,000 days of life  at kelem meda by Yeshimebet

    • Our RSP –Selam get chance to Participate in Indian conference

    • Lesson like advocacy and true cost accounting

    • Story telling by Wubeshet of ISD in Paronama Hotel

    • At last Certification  & departion of Team from Konrad.

    Endless dream of 2018









    1. I cant stop to think about the journey of NMA ,what an energetic and participatory it was!!!. Particularly the effort of the facilitator Alemayhu Ayalew from the beginning up to the End and the IFOAM staffs. i wish for my country such procedures and commitment in every project.

  28. Beneficiary family works in group to support their member

    by building toilet house on December 24/2017

  29. Benificiary  with their family discuss about   how the’wayForward

    on December 24/2017 Taddese tolking to  Alex by mobile

  30. Benificiary  with their family discuss about   how the’wayForward

    on December 24/2017 while Zehara tolking to  Alex by mobile

  31. Asseged is growing seedling

    I and her  neighbors were  visit her home garden on January  6/2018

  32. NMA PROJECT implementation evaluated by Dessie city Adminstration Finance,Health, Agriculture and women affairs office leaders on January 16/2018G.C.

    The leaders of this sectors attend a presentation prepared by Beza for women community based Association (By 4 RSPs) and done field visit in respective kebeles .After that they gave the following comments and suggestions.

    1. The project idea as a city level was new and interesting.

    2. After the filed visit we can understood that the target women awareness about  dietary diversity good.

    3. Organic vegetable  and poultry productions are practicing in a good way and should be scaling up.but regular followup's and monitoring needed to ensure its sustainability. 


    Amharic poem Memory to  sue Edward’s death

    ሶስና  እየተባሉ ይጠሩ ነበር)የካቲት 8/6/2010 አርፈዋል

    • ለአፈር ጤንነት እንዲያ ሲጨነቁ

    በዚያው በሚወዱት ባፈር ተደቡቁ።

    • ዶክተር ባይስማማ  በብዝሃ ሕይወት

    ሶስናን አጋጋሩን አስወጣት ከቤት።

    • አየር ተዛብቶ ምርድር ሙቃ

    በረሃ እንዳትሆን አፍሪቃ

    ለመከላከል ብክለት

    ስትፈልግ ኖራ  ህይወት

    ዛሬስ አልሙ ጠፋት።

    • እኛ ስንቀርጽ ፕሮጅቸት

      ለሁለት ሺህ አስራ ስምንትት

      ምነው መለዓክ ጠራት።

    • በጄት ስጭኝ ብዬ እኔ አልጠይቅሽም

    አምና ነበር እንጅ ዘንድሮስ የለሽም።

    • ጥበብ ሰራሽ አሉ የማታ የማታ

    ምድር ጋቢ እንድትለብስ አረንጓዴ ኩታ

    ቁጭትሽን ንገሪን ግዛው ፈትሎ ይፍታ።

    • የተፈጥሮ ምርት ለሁሉመም ብላ

      ምነው ጠፋችን ተፈጥሮን ጥላ  ።

    የካቲት 8 ቀን 2010 ዓ/ም ተጻፈ

    ሁሴን ይማም RSP

    1. Rest in peace, w/ro Sue Edwards . I hope your efforts and dreams for Ethiopian  Green Agro- Ecology will keep going .Thank you for everything you done to us.

  34. Lakomenza  cluster of RSp   discussion

    On March 29/2018 Lakomenza  cluster of RSp   discuse About the evaluation of  phase 1

    and about the direction of NMA2

    Four Female and 5 male  total 9 RSP including 2 ISD staff      were found in Dessie ISD office. The meeting of the discussion  is considered as a bell of ready  

    This a day discussion was lead by Alex.








    Sustained garden

    When I was visit  MI project beneficiary of 2017 in Bededo on May 1/2018

    Asseged Yimer ,Toyba hussen & Hager   did good &show sustainable healthy& organic vegetable production

    Example look Asseged’s fruit




    1. hussenyimamsani

      Abiy Tamerat Assefa

      Tesfaye Melaku

      Yeshimebet Ali

      Zenebech Koricho

       how are you doing?. As lacomelza cluster and old RSP we should take more responsibilities for better second phase achievement . so please keep in touch .


  36. We RSPs, stakeholders and  some beneficiaries are here in Panaroma Hotel to discuss about the Next phase of NMA and the results achieved.Thank you ISD.

  37. Dear@ Selam Hopefully we will do best  by taking the previous lesson

  38. Dear Lacomelza cluster RPS( New +old) and all Maan members , how are you? As we pledged in Haiyke  to develop a good problem solving Micro-intervention projects in our respective community,hopefully you are already finalized them. If so, please share with one another attempted ones for comments and suggestions which will help to matured them. 

    Good luck for all of us

  39. The 2nd call NMA proposal  discussion started on February 8 to 10/2019 in  Dessie   Goldengate  Hottel.

    Discussion  was focused on

    • The Objectives of NMA
    • Guideline  of NMA project proposal
    • NMA and Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture
    • Feed-back of 1st call proposals and introduction about 2nd call proposals
    • NMA and co fund budget
    • Diversified production and consumption



















  40. Hi all dear Ifoam& MAAN famiy

    • Thanks for giving the opportunity and  link too Although null connection is my challenge, I have tried my best . I hope ,If I get the chance, I have strong commitment to take the course, and  to disseminate my best experience 
    • I wish good hope to meet with Ifoam Trainers . 


  41. sustainability issue

    An earlier Micro-intervention project (NMA I ) assuring sustainability and contributed to diversified production and consumption.

    In NMA I some beneficiary were recognized by external evaluators. One was Aseged’s household .

      On july 21/2019 I was visited their fruits . look and compare the change

                                       1.They bought 15 selected  spices of   sheep with 30.000


    Sheep raring project


                                                                    New house construction project to change the wornout


    Poultry production project














    On July 29/20`19 Eth.TO TOT was started by saying why  I am here


    On Augest 2/2019  Eth.TO TOT  completed by visiting  organic garden of a woman(Shito) in Holeta



  43. Inerjising   activity was delivered by participants to create synergy for taring in debrezeit 




  44. It was an amazing TOTOT, which followed participatory approach. I want thank again the TOTOT organizers and facilitators and Trainer (Mr Konrad) for such a wonderful training.


Ethiopia ET