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Call for Proposals

SUNSAI - Scaling up Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Interventions in Indian Himalayan Region


SUNSAI - Scaling up Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Interventions are projects implemented by Rural Service Provider institutions  to scale up proven nutrition sensitive agriculture interventions in collaboration with local institutions. The proposed SUNSAI interventions need to have been successfully applied in similar contexts – i.e. found technically and economically viable and contributing to diversified diets.

SUNSAI aim at achieving systemic and lasting change at  the level of municipalities, village clusters or valleys. Accordingly, they increase the production as well as the consumption of nutritious foods of a larger number of people. SUNSAI are thus expected to have a more integrated approach towards nutrition, e.g. using a multi-sector approach between agriculture, health and education, by linking production and consumption, e.g. linking farmers to rural and urban markets, and by including an awareness raising component that leads to behavioral change at consumer level. They are expected to be well embedded institutionally, i.e. they are closely linked to and receive support from local key institutions such as municipalities, farmer organizations, educational institutions, health care providers, professional associations etc. SUNSAI offer success stories and learnings that can be used in national and global advocacy work.

Download details below.

Application and selection process

For proposal submission, applicants must use the application format. Application forms must be submitted electronically in English or Hindi. 

The deadline for proposal submission is 25 February 2019

The submitted proposals will be evaluated by a technical committee. Proposals that comply with the minimum criteria will be shortlisted. The shortlisted proposals will be further assessed based on selection criteria by an international evaluation committee that compares SUNSAI proposals from different countries. The best proposals will be selected for funding. In total, maximum 15 to 30 SUNSAI will be selected globally.

Contact details for submission of proposals

Contact NMA team in India at nma.sunsai.india@gmail.com

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