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Pakistan PAK
Mr Markus Arbenz -Excutive Director visiting Fatuma's Home garden in Ethiopia(BEDEDO) on March 23/2017 afternoo

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National Nutrition Survey to be launched soon

National Nutrition survey of Pakistan to be launched soon in 2017 please see the link below


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UN Special Rapporteurs statement to promote breastfeeding
Joint statement by the UN Special Rapporteurs on the Right to Food, Right to Health, the Working Group on Discrimination against Women in law and in practice, and the Committee on the Rights of the Child in support of increased efforts to promote, support and protect breast-feeding  
- See more at: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=20871&LangID=E#sthash.ks0WAG3u.dpuf


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Call for paper in Organic World Conference

Dear RSPs

please go to the given link and write something keeping in mind your microintervetion.


the topic you can focus is Session 5A Farmers First! Smallholder development to combat malnutrition and the deadline is 30th Nov so please hurry up





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Dear Colleagues, Associates and Supporters,

The 2nd phase of #InvestinNutition Campaign will start on November 20 to 22.

You can support this campaign by emailing your photographs/selfies with the message #InvestinNutrition or a message with your signature (if you don’t want to publish your photo) at midanish@gmail.com by Nov 20. 

Your pictures/messages will be posted on SUNCSA, Pak Facebook Page and Twitter.  Sample photo and message are attached here for your reference.

Let’s join hands together and reach out more to raise voice for bringing Investment in Nutrition.

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Campaign launched for nutrition awareness in Pakistan

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Must Read! NOW AVAILABLE: The 2016 Global Nutrition Report

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For Peruvian & Ethiopian Friends

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baseline pics

                   I am happy to work with Beer Valley peoples.

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MAAN at Facebook

Dear all

This is to let you know that we have created a MAAN page at Facebook for bigger outreach. You are requested to kindly like the page and upload relevant material on it and circulate it too. The address is as below:




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Canadian parliamentarians champion women’s & girls’ nutrition

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Cancer on the rise among children in underprivileged areas of Pakistan

A very informative and thought provoking news published in The News on 22 may 2016

The link is below for your information


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Focus Group Discussion in Rural Area

To generate 

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Parallel Training Session on MAAN in Islamabad

Here we are with RSPs and RSP facilitators and others to learn more about the MAAN plaftorm

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A call for Rural Service Providers is now open...

The call for Capacity Development Program (CDP) is launched in Pakistan. The course is designed for Rural Service Providers (RSPs) to build capacities, enhance knowledge and skills on Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture.  The course will take place from 2-6 April, 2016 in Islamabad, directly after the NMA Conference (28 March - 1 April)

Please read the NMA Capacity Development Call Pakistan.pdf below very carefully. It gives you the necessary information needed in making your decision to apply and to complete the application with the required information. Once you have read the call, you can complete the application. We have also extended the deadline for applications to 18 March, in order for you to get your applications in.

Please click here to open the online application form

The course is targeted for the Rural Service Providers in Pakistan and start with face-to-face meeting to develop and start implementation of the Micro-interventions related to Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture. The course duration is 9-12 months with regular virtual meetings and 2-3 face-to-face meetings in the beginning and at the end. 

You can also download the form in PDF version here in attachment and write manually and hand over to Shazia Hina, Pakistan Trainer. 

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Pakistan PAK