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Recently I visited Nepal for a regional workshop on Migration and Development but during the visit i grabbed the opportunity to visit NMA field area. Soma Rana & Alok Shrestha facilitated the visit. I am really thankful for Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Nepal's management in general and NMA team Nepal in particular to make my visit convenient and memorable. Below are some of the major highlights from the field visit


Visit to NepalGunj sub metropolitan city - 26, Thapuwa 26

RSPs Bir Bahadur Hamal & Ashok Thapa

  • 30 Sep 2016
  • Vermicompost making: Both RSPs are working on vermicompost making in 2 villages of Thapuwa. The visited village had 100 HH.
  • First step is to mobilize community on vermicompost and then training of the mobilized group of farmers.
  • Some sites were seen in the village where farmers were busy in making the structure for compost. This is 2 and half feet deep permanent structure where they will make the compost. As their interventions started two months back so on the time of the visit they were making the structures of the compost.
  • On the other hand these RSPs are closely liaising with the government agriculture department which is also intending to promote worming compost and ensured its support. 
  • Take Home: The learning is that RSPs are mobilizing community on one hand and on other hand communicating with the government to upscale the work.


Visit to Dailekh district: Narayan Municipality, ward#5

RSP Sumitra Thapa Magar.

  • 1st Oct 2016
  • Nettle processing: The RSP was working on nettle processing involving women of the area.
  • Three more RSPs named Bishnu Parsad Sharma print media, Chakra KC local FM Radio, & Maharup Khatri school nutrition also accompanied.
  • On the visit a 7-day training was in the process and there were 16 participants for nettle processing.
  • A trainer was hired for the said training and he delivered this training in 21 districts of Nepal. He was also determined to market the product within the country.
  • The said training was exclusively about processing of the product while another three days training was planned to aware the participants about the nutritious values of the Nettle.
  • Under construction local Nettle processing unit which was made by the participants with the financial support of the RSP was also visited.
  • Take Home: The RSP was not only focusing the capacity building of the community but also providing them a room to practice their learning by making processing unit. This created enthusiasm among the community to take it as their livelihood particularly among women folk. Such kind of learning should be replicated in Pakistan.


Visit to Vijaja Higher Secondary School, Dullu Dailekh district

RSP Jagat Rijal

  • 1st Oct 2016
  • A government higher secondary school in a remote village of Dailekh District where school nutrition is promoted.
  • The RSP is mainly focusing on promotion of school nutrition by involving students to encourage them to raise nurseries in the schools on vegetable garden.
  •  The school management was fully cooperating with the RSP and now they were thinking to include vegetable garden in the curricula. Even they present vegetables as prizes to the outstanding students. They also market their products to the local market too.
  • Mostly secondary school students were involved in it.
  • The RSP also had the role to sensitize parents on nutrition sensitive agriculture (NSA).
  • As a result of the intervention is this that now most of the students don’t take junk food and now they are titling towards organic vegetables.


Meeting with Dailekh RSPs in Maharup’s office: 9 RSPs

  • 2nd Oct 2016
  • A joint meeting was conducted with the 9 RSPs of the district. These RSs shared their progress in the meeting.
  • Ms. Sunita Chanda: Working on 1000 days of window opportunity; The RSP was working with pregnant and lactating mothers and under 2 children. She was sensitizing them on Kitchen gardening, quiz competition at school level, provision of seed to the women to promote kitchen gardening. Till date only baseline was conducted.
  • Bishnu Sharma: the RSP was journalist and had to publish about NSA in the print media. He also had to highlight the efforts of the RSPs of the district in the print media and also published special edition on health and nutrition in the local newspaper.
  • Ms. Parbati: The RSP only conducted baseline in the project and could start her interventions yet which was nettle processing.
  • Ms. Sumitra Thapa: The RSP was visited in her target village a day before and she was involved in Nettle processing.
  • Hari Kala Thapa: 1000 days of window opportunity, She did baseline,  orientation at VDC level was conducted, 3 days coaching training was delivered on NSA for beneficiary group, coaching for Female Health Community Volunteers (FHCV), She was also coordinating with district livestock department to provide poultry to these women.
  • Krishna Shrestha: School Nutrition, promoting NSA and kitchen gardening in school, working with students, provision of seeds to the school, planning to have meeting with the guardians.
  • Chakra KC: Working on FM radio, made a jingle which is broadcasted 6 times a day.
  • Maharup Khatri: School nutrition,  also mobilizing community on NSA , a song was prepared in Teej festival (festival of Hindus women) and sang there, a competition is also planned to organize at VDC level among women group and students.
  • Take Home: Two RSPs conducted webinars as expert/resource person. This can be replicated in Pakistan, our RSPs can conduct webinars as resource persons.
    Maharup Khatri Krishna Bahadur Shrestha bishnu sharma Jagat Rijal chakra kc sunita chand Harikala Thapa Sumitra Thapa Magar





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Pakistan PAK