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Knowledge Bank
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Knowledge Bank KBank

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titlePer topics


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rootPer topics


Knowledge Bank Per Topic

The sections are created progressively, as further files or resources are uploaded. Click here to upload a file or share a resource).

(Topics vary from the global and country knowledge banks).

Page Tree
rootKB - Topics

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titlePer country

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(the links will be activated soon)

Country libraries
Country libraries


(plus) Upload a file or share a link


 Search using your own key words


titleRefine your search with this tips:

This search will show content from the Knowledge Bank. To search information in the whole MAAN platform, use the top right engine

Use syntax to narrow the results on your search

e.g. "Child nutrition AND food supplements AND Peru" will bring results about related to Child Nutrition and Food Supplements in Peru, you can search for

e.g. "Child nutrition NOT food supplements" will bring results related to Child Nutrition that don't talk about food supplements.

e.g. "Child nutrition AND Ethiopia OR Pakistan" will bring results related to Child Nutrition and Ethiopia or Pakistan.


Other examples

OR search

To search for content that contains one of the terms, 'hygiene' or 'education', use the operator OR in capital letters:

hygiene OR education


AND search

To search for content that contains both the terms 'hygiene' and 'education', use the operator AND in capital letters:

hygiene AND education


NOT search

To search for content that contains 'hygiene' but NOT 'education', use the operator NOT in capital letters:

hygiene NOT education 

Excluded term search

To search for content that contains 'hygiene' and 'butter' but not 'education':

hygiene butter -education


(info) More tips at:


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titleAbout the KB

This Knowledge Bank (KB) is for nutrition-related knowledge. For platform-technical information, please visit the platform helpdesk »

How does the KB work?

  • The KB is a structured collection of relevant knowledge for Rural Service Providers (RSPs)information relating to nutrition in the context of developing countries and mountain areas.

  • The KB is structured in 2 levels, as follows:
    1. KB (global, in English)
    2. KB (per country, in local language)
    Each KB has a manager, in charge of ensuring the function and quality of the content.
    The "topics" (sections) of the KB are created progressively by topics. Each topic is briefly outlined and has links to further information that can be accessed. The KB develops progressively, according to the files and resources uploaded by the users. This will help to ensure that the actual structure shows relevant information.
    The managers coordinate to define which files and resources are kept in the KB at country level and which ones are relocated to the KB global.its users, and users' requests for new topics.

  • The KB is a global knowledge platform, featuring documents that are of interest for a broad community. Thus, it complements the "Country Libraries", which feature documents that are relevant for each MAAN Country: Nepal, Pakistan, Kyrgystan, Ethiopia, Peru.

  • All users can upload files and share resources in the KBs, to be part of the KB and the KB manager reviews Country Libraries. The KB and Country Library managers review the files and resources to relocate them in the right section, and add the proper tags to make it findable through the search engine.

  • To upload files or share resources in the KB, users can go to Files are uploaded through the "upload file" button located on the top right hand of the KB (for the KB global or KB per country)and Country Library sites.


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Knowledge Bank KBank