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  • To discuss the Endline, clear ambiguities regarding Endline and FGD
  • To finalize the Knowledge Management Plan
  • To discuss data base of NMA
  • To finalize District Level Advocacy Plan
  • To orient the RSPs about project Evaluation

Discussion items

30 minEndlineShazia
  • Clarified the ambiguities on Endline.Now every RSP will conduct end line in his/her target village. They will fill out 20 questionnaire and will conduct one FGD in their target village. The endline will start after 15th May 2017.
30 MinKM of MIsShazia

Regarding the KMof NMA some RSPs already shared some case studies which were later shared with Silja Heyland. Now IC Pakistan KM team has planned to visit the target area to capture some stories. RSPs in consensus finalised the following plan of the KM team. 

S.NoRRS NameThematic ClusterVillage
Day 1   


Mahmood ElahiCompost makingKachi
2.S Majeed ShahTunnel FarmingBeer
3.Ammad AminPost harvest LossesBeer
4.Javed KhanTunnel Farming (innovation: Strawberry , Peach)Hill
Day 2   
1. Wajiha JavedFruit productionDarwaza
2.Anum SyedHoney Bee KeepingChinjyala
3. Wajiha javedFruit ProductionKachi
4.Faria, IffatKitchen Gardening, Compost MakingTilhala
5Saeeda ShahBehavior Change H&HKarach
Day 3   
1.M K AbassiKitchen GardeningNeelor
2.Saba RehmanH&H School ChildrenNeelor
3.Aniqa KhursheedFood preservationBhutt
4.Rziwana ShaheenBehavior Change H&HBhutt
15 MinData BaseShaziaData is essential for reporting and our reports lack figures so a simple formatw as shared with RSPs to submit their data for better reporting. This included No of beneficiaries M+F+Children, Cultivated land (area), Type/varieties of plants/fruits,No of groups formed M+F+Children, No of session,trainings, workshops conducted, No of follow up visits, refreshers, No of villages etc.
10 MinNon Course participantsShazia & RSPRSPs took the responsibility to increase the participation of MAAN members. They will use their own network to increase the outreach.
60 MinDistrict AdvocacyShazia & ComiitteeRSPs were asked to give time for the advocacy work which is the next step after their MIs. They chalked out on the spot plan for this month. In which they would contact with the relevant stakeholders through bilateral meetings and then at district level a consultation would be organized in which they put their recommendations in front of the government line departments.
15 MinProject EvaluationShaziaRSP were informed about the upcoming evaluation of the project. They all ensured their active participation in the  evaluation exercise.

Action items

  • Endline will start after 15th May and will end by 26th May. The narrative as well as financial reporting will be done by 10th June 2017.
  • KM plan finalized and the team would visit the area while respective RSPs would facilitate them in their respective villages.
  • The data would be shared by end of May i.e. 30th May 2017
  • Each RSP would introduce 5 new MAAN members and would report till 30 May.
  • District level  Consultation would be organized before Ramadan i.e. 26th May 2017.

1 Comment

  1. Yes, according to the schedule, the knowledge management team of IC visited my working area today on 25th May 2017, fruitful experiences shared by the beneficiaries. It was hot day but good to see the feedback and impact of the interventions.


    MK Abbasi (RSP)


Pakistan PAK