Nutrition in Mountain Agro- ecosystems (NMA)/HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Nepal and District Agriculture Development Office (DADO) Bajura district had jointly organized training to the Rural Service Providers (RSPs) and other DADO staffs on Internal Control System (ICS) – TOT of Organic Certification Process at Bajura district. It was 3 days TOT on ICS from 12 – 14th June 2017. Total no. of 27 participants was participated during entire training. Administrative and financial management by DADO, Bajura and we had utilized HELVETAS Nepal’s expertise to conduct the training so technical support provided by NMA.
Major content cover in training was:
- Organic agriculture principles and practices
- Organic certification, type and process; standards
- ICS and its operation
- Practice on Farmer Profile and Diary maintain
- Internal standard and inspection, ICS manual, OA Policy
Semi lecture
Group discussion/group work
Brain storming
Video /movie etc
Major products identified in Bajura district are local beans, potato, buckwheat and apple. Most of the products in district are bi-default organic. Participants were very much enthusiastic to learn and take part in the discussion. It was very much interactive and practical training. At the end of the training they make a local folk song ‘Deuda’ and Dohori to promote organic agriculture in the district.
It was very memorable training to all the participants, organiser and facilitator because this type of training had first time organised in the district. During closing ceremony of the training Director General of Department of Agriculture/Ministry of Agriculture Development Mr. Dilaram Bhandari and Reginal Director of Surkeht Mr. Shiva Narayan Chaudhary was there to distribute certificate to the participants and make an inspiring speech there about to initiate and of organic movement in Nepal.
During his closing ceremony speech Mr. Bhandari shared that government of Nepal has focus to food and nutrition security of the people. Focus to local agricultural product and its nutrient content needs to be promoted. Our society itself demarcates the food culture which needs to be omitted. He had initiated organic movement in Kathmandu vally personally as Senior Agriculture Development Officer. Based on Local Self Governance Act 1999, initiated organic development in Jumla district legally. He gave the example that 200 per Doko (about 30 – 40 kg) apple are made 1200 per Doko after organic certification of apple during his tenure in Jumla. He focused that nitche product be promoted from Jumla and expressed his thanks to DADO, Bajur entire family and HELVETAS Nepal family.
Mr. Dilaram Bhandari who contributed to announce Jumla is first organic district in Nepal.
Senior Agriculture Development Officer of DADO, Bajura Dr. Ram Krishna Shrestha shared that 9000 metric ton foods deficit in the Bajura district. Bajura is one of the food deficit district in Nepal with 14% people life expectancy is 40 years only. High no. of children under 5 are malnourished. DADO promoted the local farming system and indigenous crops. Focus to niche product approach rather than blanket approach. Local bean, buckwheat, potato and apple are promising crops in Bajura. He is very much thankful to HLEVETAS team and entire family of government for their support and cooperation.
This is just an initiation so many supports have to require to strengthen the capacity of RSPs and DADO’s staff. Our focus should be to promote healthy soil and healthy food for all. NMA/HELVETAS team are very much privileged and thankful to DADO for this opportunity. We are very much thankful to HELVETAS Nepal local team at Bajura and facilitator Mr. Bhola Kumar Shrestha, Coffee and organic Agriculture Advisor, Food Security and Nutrittion Programme HELVETAS Nepal.
Alok Shrestha, Akkal Bahadur Shah Govind Pandit, Krishna Dani Dhan Bahadur Rawat Jay Shrestha Ghanashyam Nagarkoti Bhola Kumar shrestha
Govind Pandit
Dear Soma ji
Greeting from Bajura
Thanks for sharing of nice documentation and effective training of organic production certification.
Govind Pandit
Soma Rana
Thank you Govinda Dai!