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Pakistan PAK
  Name Size Creator Creation Date Labels Comment  
Microsoft Word Document compost making training at Tilhallah.docx 626 kB Iffat Kalsoom Jan 09, 2017 06:20  
Microsoft Word Document Report on display Chinjiala cum Kacchi.docx 1,24 MB mahmoodelahi Dec 20, 2016 13:02  
Microsoft Word Document Report on display Zaidi Kacchi.docx 1,23 MB mahmoodelahi Dec 20, 2016 13:01  
Microsoft Word Document Report on display Soha.docx 1,10 MB mahmoodelahi Dec 20, 2016 12:59  
Microsoft Word Document Training Report Compost Making 21 & 22 Oct 2016.docx 932 kB mahmoodelahi Dec 20, 2016 12:50  
Microsoft Word Document Establiment of compost making site-Chinjial cum Kacchi.docx 455 kB mahmoodelahi Dec 20, 2016 12:48  
Microsoft Word Document Establiment of compost making site Zain Kacchi.docx 569 kB mahmoodelahi Dec 20, 2016 12:48  
Microsoft Word Document Establiment of compost making site Soha.docx 442 kB mahmoodelahi Dec 20, 2016 12:48  
Microsoft Word Document Document 1 (1).docx 1,77 MB Iffat Kalsoom Dec 19, 2016 17:45  
PNG File download.png 3 kB Iffat Kalsoom Dec 19, 2016 13:07
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PNG File ifoam-oi-2015_no_outline.png 28 kB Iffat Kalsoom Dec 19, 2016 13:06
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Microsoft Word Document Malnutrition.docx 13 kB Yasmin Bibi Dec 15, 2016 12:27  
Microsoft Word Document 12. A.Session Kakotar dt 29.07.2016 Compost making.docx 473 kB Yasmin Bibi Dec 15, 2016 12:27  
Microsoft Word Document 11. A.Session Kakotaridt 26.07.2016 Benefits of org Farming.docx 494 kB Yasmin Bibi Dec 15, 2016 12:26  
Microsoft Word Document Why Organic Agriculture.docx 547 kB Yasmin Bibi Dec 07, 2016 12:23  
Microsoft Word Document Nutrition and organic farming.docx 136 kB Yasmin Bibi Dec 07, 2016 12:21  
Microsoft Word Document 6. A.Session Chatti dt 24.07.2016 Compost making.docx 327 kB Yasmin Bibi Dec 07, 2016 12:09  
Microsoft Word Document 5. A.Session Chattio dt 24.07.2016 Benefits of org Farming.docx 2,50 MB Yasmin Bibi Dec 07, 2016 12:06  
Microsoft Word Document 4. A.Session Chatti dated 24.07.2016 -Org Farming.docx 592 kB Yasmin Bibi Dec 07, 2016 12:05  
Microsoft Word Document 1. A.Session Kakotari dated 22.07.2016 -Org Farming (1).docx 413 kB Yasmin Bibi Dec 07, 2016 12:04  
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