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All awareness raising and training related micro intervention should give their updates here at this page. This information consist of promotion of nutrition sensitive agriculture techniques, education, awareness, training, low external inputs, rain water harvesting etc.

The expected outputs of these interventions are increased awareness about traditional agriculture, nutritious food, dietary diversification particularly among women and children of Beer Valley Haripur. 

Following RSPs are the members of this cluster who will update their progress on micro interventions here regularly. The suggestions for improvement are welcome. 

babar mehmood , Mahmood ElahiIffat Kalsoom, Nurgis Bibi, NadeemAmjadAmjadYasmin Bibi

Organic Farming Done by Mahmood Elahi in Village Nolaki, Tilhalla, Kaachi

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Documents Related to Training/Awareness Raising Activity

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1. A.Session Kakotari dated 22.07.2016 -Org Farming (1).docx

composting organic-agriculture awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 07, 2016 12:04

1.Awareness Session Kachi Sara(M).docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Okt 24, 2016 18:07

11. A.Session Kakotaridt 26.07.2016 Benefits of org Farming.docx

composting training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 15, 2016 12:26

12. A.Session Kakotar dt 29.07.2016 Compost making.docx

composting awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 15, 2016 12:27

2 Day of Training Tilhallah.docx

awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Jan 09, 2017 06:20

2. A.Session Kakotaridt 22.07.2016 Benefits of org Farming.docx

organic-agriculture composting awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Nov 14, 2016 05:52

2.Awareness Session Kacchi Sar 3rd June Male.docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Okt 24, 2016 18:08

20. A.Session Chatti dt 07.08.2016 Compost making.docx

composting awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Nov 03, 2016 11:44

29. Awareness Session on Hand Washing dt 22.08.2016.docx

awareness-raising training health-hygiene

Training/Awareness raising

Nov 14, 2016 09:11

3. A.Session Kakotar dt 22.07.2016 Compost making.docx

organic-agriculture composting awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Nov 14, 2016 05:48

3. Awareness Session 4th June 2016.docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Okt 24, 2016 18:08

4. A.Session Chatti dated 24.07.2016 -Org Farming.docx

organic-agriculture composting awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 07, 2016 12:05

4. Awareness Session at village Kachi Khalosa (F).docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Okt 24, 2016 18:08

5. A.Session Chattio dt 24.07.2016 Benefits of org Farming.docx

organic-agriculture awareness-raising composting training

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 07, 2016 12:06

5.Awareness session Chinjiala-Kachi.docx

awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Okt 24, 2016 18:08

6. A.Session Chatti dt 24.07.2016 Compost making.docx

composting awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 07, 2016 12:09

Baseline survey report including 20 forms.docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Okt 25, 2016 07:01

Case Study.docx

awareness-raising case-study

Training/Awareness raising

Feb 28, 2017 04:21

Cluster meeting at Soha.docx

awareness-raising photo-gallery

Training/Awareness raising

Feb 05, 2017 07:20

Detail of Activities.docx

awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Nov 19, 2016 10:03

Document 1 (1).docx


Training/Awareness raising

Dez 19, 2016 17:45

Establiment of compost making site Soha.docx

training awareness-raising composting

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 20, 2016 12:48

Establiment of compost making site Zain Kacchi.docx

training awareness-raising composting

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 20, 2016 12:48

Establiment of compost making site-Chinjial cum Kacchi.docx

training awareness-raising composting

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 20, 2016 12:48

Establiment of compost making site.docx

composting awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Okt 25, 2016 07:01


training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Okt 25, 2016 07:03


malnutrition awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 15, 2016 12:27

Monthly Report for the month of August, 2016.docx

awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Jan 17, 2017 08:49

Monthly Report for the month of July, 2016.docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Jan 17, 2017 08:49

Monthly Report for the month of June, 2016.docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Jan 17, 2017 08:49

Monthly Report for the month of May, 2016.docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Jan 17, 2017 08:48

Monthly Report for the month of October, 2016.docx

awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Jan 17, 2017 08:49

Monthly Report for the month of September, 2016.docx

awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Jan 17, 2017 08:49

NMA Micro Intervention Monthly Report for the month November 2016.docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Jan 17, 2017 09:08

Nutrition and organic farming.docx

organic-agriculture nutrition awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 07, 2016 12:21

Organic Farming-Present situation.docx

organic-agriculture awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Okt 30, 2016 08:39

Progress Report.docx

awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Apr 10, 2017 11:22

Project Report.docx

awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Okt 18, 2016 10:30

Quarterly Progress Report Jan to March.docx

awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Apr 04, 2017 06:16

Quarterly Progress Report Jan-March 2017 Iffat Kalsoom.docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Apr 06, 2017 09:35

Quarterly Progress Report Nargis bibi.docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Apr 06, 2017 17:33

Report on display Chinjiala cum Kacchi.docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 20, 2016 13:02

Report on display Soha.docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 20, 2016 12:59

Report on display Zaidi Kacchi.docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 20, 2016 13:01


awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Jan 17, 2017 08:56

Training Module.docx

awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Mär 09, 2017 07:49

Training Report Chatti (male).docx

training awareness-raising men

Training/Awareness raising

Mär 09, 2017 07:51

Training Report Chatti - Female.docx

training awareness-raising women

Training/Awareness raising

Mär 09, 2017 07:49

Training Report Compost Making 21 & 22 Oct 2016.docx

training awareness-raising composting

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 20, 2016 12:50

Training Report Kakotari - Female.docx

training awareness-raising women

Training/Awareness raising

Mär 09, 2017 07:54

Training Report dt 12 & 13 July 2016.docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Okt 20, 2016 17:31

Training Report dt 27 & 28 July 2016.docx

training awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Okt 20, 2016 17:55

Training report Kakotari (Male) (1).docx

training awareness-raising men

Training/Awareness raising

Mär 09, 2017 07:56

Why Organic Agriculture.docx

organic-agriculture awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Dez 07, 2016 12:23

Yasmeen Activity Work plan.docx

awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Nov 19, 2016 10:02

compost making training at Tilhallah.docx

composting awareness-raising

Training/Awareness raising

Jan 09, 2017 06:20

compost pit at village Soha.docx

awareness-raising composting

Training/Awareness raising

Mär 01, 2017 06:39

f Leaflet-3rd.docx

awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Feb 28, 2017 04:21

photo- exposure visit date 07.04.2017.docx

awareness-raising photo-gallery training

Training/Awareness raising

Apr 10, 2017 08:19

summary of work completed.docx

awareness-raising training

Training/Awareness raising

Nov 16, 2016 18:48

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  1. I am really feeling proud to share the great work done by one of our RSP Mr. Mahmood Elahi. This is worth mentioning here that he is the most senior member of this group yet very energetic and proactive. He always accomplishes his task in advance.

    Mahmood Elahi very well done and I am sharing your work without taking your consent but my intention is to guide others. Hope you won't mind it.

  2. Awareness Raising sessions in community

    villages Bhatt & Ghoraki UC Beer

    Purpose of sessions

    • awareness raising about hygiene & Nutrition
    • improve the care seeking behavior of mothers about breast feeding
    • food diversity in daily meal
    • replace negative behavior and practices with positive and good practices

    Main Issues of Area

    • Poor hygiene conditions
    • lack of awareness about Hygiene & Nutrition
    • Ignorance by Govt. & NGOs
    • Malnutrition
    • no food diversity in daily meal
    • Access to health facilities is very difficult
    • LHW in Village Bhatt is not active
    • No Proper Guidance for balance diet
    • people use water from well which is open and not safe for drinking
    • Typhoid i major disease spread in area & they don't know that unsafe drinking water is cause of this disease
      Intervention By RSP Rizwana Shaheen
    • formation of women Hygiene & Nutrition promotion committe
    • Sessions about Health & Hygiene
    • Session about Promotion of Breast Feeding
    • Session about Balance diet
    • Awareness about importance of Hygiene, Proper food, Breast Feeding &Food diversity
    • Importance of safe drinking water
    • Importance of Hand washing in daily Life
    • Role and responsibilities distributed among Women committees about awareness raising
    • sessions in community with the facilitation of Women Committees members
      Out Come of the Activities
    • Formed 3 Women Hygiene & Nutrition promotion committee
    • Awareness raising among females and children
    • Messages of Project spreading whole community rapidly
    • Females and children are starting  practices of Hand washing
    • they are realizing the importance of Hygiene & Balance diet
    • Females showing positive behavior to over come malnutrition and other diseases which are caused by Unhygienic condition and deficiency of nutrient.

  3. Ms. Rizwana  please share for our learning about ; what was the duration of the sessions and what is the absorption level of the communities 

    1. respected Mian Khan Abbasi

       session should be half hour to one hour not more then this. because mostly women are house wives and  illiterate. one  must keep  in mind that in one session topics should not more than two to three and all topics should relevant to each other. Through practical  work and demonstration women and men can learn quickly. so deliver all the topic's relevant information with the involvement of participation and practical demonstration can enhance their interest level.

  4. Awareness session is in progress at village Hill on dated 20 august regarding promotion of high value production crops &vegetables to increase nutrition and food dietary by using organic methodology                                                                                                                                                                                                            





    Nutrition in Mountain Agro-Eco System

    Beer Union Council District Haripur NMA Minimum Dietary Diversity Score



    Topics are selected.

    1-       Awareness rising about importance of kitchen grading.

    2-       Kitchen grading as a good hobby for females.

    3 – Awareness rising in the community regarding production of food.

    4- Capacity building regarding kitchen grading at household level.

    5- Kitchen grading promotion messages.

    6- Importance of nutrition and balance diet.

    7- Knowledge share about kitchen safety and hygiene condition.

    8- To change the behavior of the people towards kitchen grading.

    9- How kitchen grading provide us fresh and healthy food.

    10 – Kitchen grading in Pakistan and others countries.

    11 – Seeds distribution for kitchen gardening.

    12- To guide them to increase the productivity for sustainable agriculture.

    13- To create interest of females in kitchen gardening and agricultural production.

    14- The main crops production in the areas.

    15 – Females participation in kitchen grading and agricultural production.

    16 – Kitchen grading at small level to increase the productivity.

    17- Knowledge share regarding kitchen grading





     Kitchen Gardening


    Many housewives have started gardening activities at home as it helps pass time and gives a good output. Kitchen garden can comprise of a wide range of fruits, vegetables and spices grown at the backyard of your house. Kitchen garden is not necessarily outside the kitchen door. It can be in the backyard near the kitchen or to the wall adjacent to the kitchen. There are quite a few tips for kitchen gardening and to utilize vegetable gardening to its fullest. You may grow tomatoes, chilly, onions, tamarind, basil, curry leaves, lemon and so on. There is a large list of plants you can grow in vegetable gardening. It depends on the climatic conditions, soil type and your dedication. Here are some tips for kitchen gardening.

    Tips for kitchen gardening are:

    1. Nurture: Your plants need a lot of nurturing in the initial stage. Each plant has different needs and necessities. You must work accordingly and provide the nutrients required.

    2. The Sunbath Area: Always choose the backyard space that receives an ample amount of sunlight. The sun is the source of energy for plants and it stimulates the growth of plants. Plants should get an ample amount of sunlight for 5-6 hours a day. Therefore, avoid shady areas for growing your vegetable garden.

    3. Continual Process: Kitchen gardening is not a once in a week procedure. Once started you have to continue and nurture your garden well like a kid.

    4. The Water Content: The soil chosen for vegetable gardening should have sufficient water content and should be naturally drained regularly. Too much or too less of water is not appropriate for plants.

    5. Maintain the Garden: Once you plant your crop, maintain it well. Each crop has different harvesting periods. When harvesting take good care of avoiding damage to the crops. This is an important tip for kitchen gardening.

    6. Prepare the soil: The soil where you are planning to put your vegetable garden needs to be prepared. Remove the rough stones and patches from the soil. Add compost to make the soil good for gardening.

    7. Rotate: Just like the Crop Rotation Technique used in farming, rotate your plants according to seasons. This will keep the soil fertilized and give you a variety in vegetables and fruits.

    Prepare the soil: The soil where you are planning to put your vegetable garden needs to be prepared. Remove the rough stones and patches from the soil. Add compost to make the soil good for gardening.

    7. Rotate: Just like the Crop Rotation Technique used in farming, rotate your plants according to seasons. This will keep the soil fertilized and give you a variety in vegetables and fruits.

    8. Plant Selection: Always select the vegetables and fruits that you want to grow beforehand. The selection should be based on the soil type, the suitability of the crop to the soil and climatic factor and the daily requirement of the plant.

    9. Water the Plants: Regular watering is very necessary. Imagine a day you spend without water. The same the plants go through when not watered regularly. Especially the saplings need water as their roots are not yet developed to absorb water from deep soil depths.

    10.Design: Make a proper design and layout of your vegetable garden. You must be sure of which crop or plant to use and where to use the same. The layout will make your garden look organized. The maintenance also reduces and becomes easier.


    In its simplest form, a kitchen garden produces fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs for delicious, healthy meals. A kitchen garden doesn’t have to be right outside the kitchen door, but the closer it is, the better. Think about it this way: The easier it is for you to get into the garden, the more likely it is that you will get tasty things out of it. Did you forget to add the chopped dill on your boiled red-skinned potatoes? No problem — it’s just steps away.

    In its simplest form, a kitchen garden produces fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs for delicious, healthy meals. A kitchen garden doesn’t have to be right outside the kitchen door, but the closer it is, the better. Think about it this way: The easier it is for you to get into the garden, the more likely it is that you will get tasty things out of it. Did you forget to add the chopped dill on your boiled red-skinned potatoes? No problem — it’s just steps away.

    Starting a Kitchen Garden

    If you have to choose between a sunny spot or a close one, pick the sunny one. The best location for a new garden is one receiving full sun (at least six hours of direct sunlight per day), and one where the soil drains well. If no puddles remain a few hours after a good rain, you know your site drains well.

    After you’ve figured out where the sun shines longest and strongest, your next task will be to define your kitchen garden goals. My first recommendation for new gardeners is to start small, tuck a few successes under your belt in year one, and scale up little by little.

    Bottom of Form



    Prepared by : Sidragul (RSP)


    1. Dear Sidra Gul, why this piece of information is repeated in all clusters? 





    Nutrition in Mountain Agro-Eco System

    Beer Union Council District Haripur NMA Minimum Dietary Diversity Score



    Topics are selected.

    1-     Awareness rising session on diseases speared in the result of food deficiency.

    2- To improve the nutrition and balance diet in the community.

    3 - Diversity in nutrition and balance diet and to control the disease.

    4- Capacity building regarding nutrition and balance diet.

    5- Nutrition promotion messages.

    6- Importance of nutrition and balance diet.

    7- To aware the community about important food element.

    8- Disease control in the community speared due to the deficiency of food.

    9- The main cause of TB disease and its sign and symptoms’.

    10 – deficiency of iron , vitamin A, zinc , iodine, vitamin C ,vitamin D,.

    11 – Important food groups and its importance.


    12- To control the diseases speared in the result of deficiency of nutrition and balance diet.

    13- Importance of carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, fats, minerals and specially water,

    14- Nutrition and balance diet for children’s pregnant or lactating women.

    15 –ICE material for sessions.

    16 – Disease controlled strategy in the community.


    Disease speared in the result of food deficiency

    Nutritional disease

    Nutritional disease any of the nutrient-related diseases and conditions that cause illness in humans .They may include deficiencies or excesses in the diet, obesity and eating disorders, and chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, and diabetes mellitus. Nutritional diseases also include developmental abnormalities that can be prevented by diet, hereditary metabolic disorders that respond to dietary treatment, the interaction of foods and nutrients with drugs, food allergies and intolerances, and potential hazards in the food supply. All of these categories are described in this article. For a discussion of essential nutrients, dietary recommendations, and human nutritional needs and concerns throughout the life cycle, see nutrition, human.

    Nutrient deficiencies

    Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity to illness, increased susceptibility to disease, impaired physical and mental development, and reduced productivity. The 1,000 days beginning from a woman’s pregnancy to her child’s second birthday are particularly important in relation to nutrition and childhood development and can have a lasting impact on a person’s life


    Although the so-called diseases of civilization—for example, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes—will be the focus of this article, the most significant nutrition-related disease is chronic under nutrition, which plagues more than 925 million people worldwide. Under nutrition is a condition in which there is insufficient food to meet energy needs; its main characteristics include weight loss, failure to thrive, and wasting of body fat and muscle. Low birth weight in infants, inadequate growth and development in children, diminished mental function, and increased susceptibility to disease are among the many consequences of chronic persistent hunger, which affects those living in poverty in both industrialized and developing countries. The largest numbers of chronically hungry people live in Asia, but the severity of hunger is greatest in sub-Saharan Africa. At the start of the 21st century, approximately 20,000 people, the majority of them children, died each day from under nutrition and related diseases that could have been prevented. The deaths of many of these children stem from the poor nutritional status of their mothers, as well as the lack of opportunity imposed by poverty.

    Only a small percentage of hunger deaths is caused by starvation due to catastrophic food shortages. During the 1990s, for example, worldwide famine (epidemic failure of the food supply) more often resulted from complex social and political issues and the ravages of war than from natural disasters such as droughts and floods.


    Malnutrition is the impaired function that results from a prolonged deficiency—or excess—of total energy or specific nutrients such as protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, or minerals. This condition can result from fasting and anorexia nervosa; persistent vomiting (as in bulimia nervosa) or inability to swallow; impaired digestion and intestinal malabsorption; or chronic illnesses that result in loss of appetite (e.g., cancer, AIDS). Malnutrition can also result from limited food availability, unwise food choices, or overzealous use of dietary supplements.

    Selected nutrient-deficiency diseases are listed in the table.

    Select nutrient-deficiency diseases                                                                           

    disease (and key nutrient involved)


    foods rich in key nutrient

    (vitamin A)

    blindness from chronic eye infections, poor growth, dryness and keratinization of epithelial tissues

    liver, fortified milk, sweet potatoes, spinach, greens, carrots, cantaloupe, apricots

    (vitamin D)

    weakened bones, bowed legs, other bone deformities

    fortified milk, fish oils, sun exposure


    nerve degeneration, altered muscle
    coordination, cardiovascular problems

    pork, whole and enriched grains, dried beans, sunflower seeds


    diarrhea, skin inflammation, dementia

    mushrooms, bran, tuna, chicken, beef, peanuts, whole and enriched grains

    (vitamin C)

    delayed wound healing, internal bleeding, abnormal formation of bones and teeth

    citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli

    iron-deficiency anemia

    decreased work output, reduced growth,
    increased health risk in pregnancy

    meat, spinach, seafood, broccoli, peas, bran, whole-grain and enriched breads


    enlarged thyroid gland, poor growth in infancy and childhood, possible mental retardation, cretinism

    1. Calcium       

    Calcium is important for maintaining strong bones and controlling muscle and nerve function. Signs of severely low calcium include fatigue, muscle cramps, abnormal heart rhythms, and a poor appetite, Patton says. Make sure you're getting enough with at least three servings of milk or yogurt a day, she says. Other good sources of calcium are cheese, calcium-fortified orange juice, and dark, leafy greens.

    2. Vitamin D

    This vitamin is also critical for bone health. Symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency can be vague — fatigue and muscle aches or weakness. “If it goes on long term, a vitamin D deficiency can lead to softening of the bones,”

    To get enough vitamin D, Patton suggests having three servings of fortified milk or yogurt daily eating fatty fish, such as salmon or tuna, twice a week; and spending some time outside in the sunshine every day.

    3. Potassium

    Potassium helps the kidneys, heart, and other organs work properly. You could become low in potassium in the short term because of diarrhea or vomiting, excessive sweating, or antibiotics, or because of chronic conditions such as eating disorders and kidney disease, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Symptoms of a deficiency include weight loss, muscle weakness, constipation, and in severe cases, an abnormal heart rhythm.

    For natural potassium sources, Psota recommends bananas, whole grains, milk, vegetables, beans, and peas.

    4. Iron

    Iron helps your body make red blood cells. When iron levels get too low, your body can’t effectively carry oxygen. The resulting anemia can cause fatigue. You might also not. Vitamin B12      

    Vitamin B12 aids the production of DNA and helps make neurotransmitters in the brain, says Rebecca Solomon, RD, director of clinical nutrition at Mount Sinai Beth Israel in New York City. With an increasing number of vegans and people who've had weight loss surgery, vitamin B12 deficiency is becoming more common, according to Harvard Health Publications. The organization says symptoms of severe B12 deficiency include numbness in the legs, hands, or feet; problems with walking and balance; anemia; fatigue; weakness; a swollen, inflamed tongue; memory loss; paranoia; and hallucinations.

    You can get vitamin B12 from animal sources. “Boost your levels of B12 by eating more fish, chicken, milk, and yogurt,” Patton says. If you’re vegan, opt for vegan foods fortified with B12, such as non-dairy milk, meat substitutes, and breakfast cereals.

    6. Folate

    Folate, or folic acid, is a particularly important vitamin for women of childbearing age, which is why prenatal vitamins contain such a hefty dose. A Folate deficiency can cause a decrease in the total number of cells and large red blood cells as well as neural tube defects in an unborn child, Psota says. Symptoms of a folate deficiency include fatigue, gray hair, mouth ulcers, poor growth, and a swollen tongue.

    The Institute of Medicine’s Food and Nutrition Board recommends that women who could become pregnant take a folic acid supplement daily. To get folate from food, go for fortified cereals, beans, lentils, leafy greens, and oranges, Psota says.

    7. Magnesium

    Magnesium helps support bone health and assists in energy production. Although deficiency is fairly uncommon in otherwise healthy people, it can affect those who take certain medications, have certain health conditions, or consume too much alcohol, according to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements.

    Magnesium deficiency can cause loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, and weakness. In more severe cases, it can lead to numbness, muscle cramps, seizures, abnormal heart rhythms, personality changes, or low potassium or calcium levels.

    To help your levels return to normal, eat more magnesium-rich foods, such as almonds, cashews, peanuts, spinach, black beans, and damage, Patton says.

    From Nutrient Deficiency to Healthy Eating

    If you suspect you have a nutrient deficiency, talk to your doctor. “Blood tests can help determine if you are deficient,” Patton says. And if you are, your doctor may refer you to a registered dietitian or recommend supplements.

    The best way to avoid or remedy nutrient deficiencies is to make sure you are eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet, Patton adds. “I encourage food first, but if you are at an increased risk of a nutrient deficiency, you may benefit from taking a multivitamin,” she says. And those

    iodized salt, saltwater fish





    Nutrition in Mountain Agro-Eco System

    Beer Union Council District Haripur NMA Minimum Dietary Diversity Score



    Topics are selected.

    • Seasonal disease Awareness in the community.
    • Diarrhea is most common in these days in the community awareness rising sessions on diarrhea.
    • Typhoid is the most common disease in the field areas now a day.
    • Food poising is also common in the community we arrange the session on food poising in the community.
    • Awareness rising about the disease.
    • The main causes and sign and symptoms’ are discussed.
    • Awareness rising on use of clean water.
    • To developed the skills to control the diseases in the community.
    • Food hygiene
    • Other diseases speared in the deficiency of food.
    • TB is most common disease in the community females asked about the sign and symptoms’ and protection.
    • Use of dirty food.
    • Benefit of nutrition food.
    • Health and hygiene.


    Prepared by: Sidragul (RSP)




    Nutrition in Mountain Agro-Eco System

    Beer Union Council District Haripur.  NMA Minimum Dietary Diversity Score



    Topics are selected.

    1-     Awareness rising session on Nutrition and balance diet for females and child in the community.

    2- To improve the nutrition and balance diet in the community.

    3 - Diversity in nutrition and balance diet.

    4- Capacity building regarding nutrition and balance diet.

    5- Nutrition promotion messages.

    6- Importance of nutrition and balance diet.

    7- Additional messages for nutrition and balance diet.

    8- Diet plan chat with complete picture.

    9- Key role of balance diet to promote nutrition.

    10 – Foods groups and its importance.

    11 – Important food components and its use in daily life.


    12- To control the diseases speared in the result of deficiency of nutrition and balance diet.

    13- Important instructions of food for pregnant females and lactating women.

    14- Nutrition and balance diet for children’s.

    15 –ICE material for sessions.

    16 – during pregnancy danger signs because of poor condition of nutrition and balance diet.

    Lactating mothers diet plan and awareness about breast feeding.


    Nutrition and balance diet  : nutrition and balance diet plays a very important role in our daily life. Nutrition values should be understand by everyone because a healthily person can take care of our family and serve the country by work. So we should all follow the nutrition values and balance diet importance in our life and guide all specially children’s and females we should follows diet plans and chats to improve the condition of health.        Include whole grains such as wheat, brown rice, bajra, jowar, nachni, oats, and barley in food preparation such as Chapattis, Dose, Theplas, Bhakris, Parathas, and Pancake. Whole grain is healthier because they have more vitamins, minerals, and fiber & help to regulate blood glucose.

    ·         Restrict products made up of refined flours such as Khari, butter , toast, cakes, pastries, white bread as these products have high Glycemic index which cause big spikes in blood sugar.

    ·         Include protein sources such as moong, matki, chavali, kabuli chana, rajma, soybean, lean meat, fish, chicken as they helps to control between-meal hunger.

    ·         Prefer egg white (2-3 times a week), Chicken (once a week), fish (2-3 times a week) Cooked in gravy form over red meat/ organ meat/ mutton/ beef/ pork

    ·         Prefer skimmed milk, curd, low fat paneer, low fat cheese

    ·         Restrict the intake of  khoa, mava and products made up of concentrated milk such as basundi, malai pedha, phirni

    ·         Restrict the intake of coconut (Dry or fresh), groundnut not more than 2 tsp / day/ person.

    ·         Include at least 3-4 servings of yellow, green, orange coloured vegetables in the diet as they provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber & are low in carbohydrate.

    ·         Include Salad (cucumber, tomato, onion, carrot, Beetroot, radish) in lunch as well as dinner (without mayonnaise or a high fat dressing)

    ·         Have 1-2 fruit everyday (If consuming custard apple/ mango/ grapes/ chickoo/ banana have in half quantity) as they provide good amount of fiber which helps in glycemic control.

    ·         Limit the amount of fats and sweets you eat. Fats have a lot of calories. Sweets can be high in carbohydrate and fat. Some contain saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol that increase your risk of heart disease. Limiting these foods will help you lose weight and keep your blood glucose and blood fats under control.

    ·         Check your blood sugar after eating sugary foods and talk to your health care provider about how to adjust your insulin if needed when eating sugars.

    ·         Use 3- 4 tsp of oil per person/ day (Including ghee/butter/margarine). Total fat consumption should be 25%-35% or less of total calories eaten per day.

    ·         Saturated fats should be less than 7% of total calories eaten in a day.

    ·         Prefer low salt chutney made with mint , coriander

    ·         Prefer low fat chiwda, Kurmura - Chana, popcorns over deep fried products such as bhajiya, Farsan, Wada pav, pakodas,

    ·         Make right choices when eating out prefer steamed, grilled, roasted foodstuffs over deep fried, high fat products.

    ·         Intake of cinnamon, garlic, onion, bitter gourd guar gum is known to considerably reduce blood glucose level.

    ·         Alcoholic drinks have calories but no nutrients. If you have alcoholic drinks on an empty stomach, they can make your blood glucose level go too low causing hypoglycemia. They also can raise your blood fats so keep them in moderation.

    ·         Do not skip meals. Even distribution of food helps prevent high and low blood sugars. Eat 3 meals a day, plus snacks as needed. Try to eat at about the same times every day.

    ·         Do not fast or feast

    ·         Regular testing helps you monitor your progress.

    ·         Exercise for 30 to 45 minutes daily as physical activity significantly lowers blood sugar.  Never start a new exercise program without consulting either your physician or another expert who can evaluate your condition and any limitations. Take it easy at first and build up to longer and longer exercise periods over time.









    Prepared by :Sidragul ( RSP)





    Nutrition in Mountain Agro-Eco System

    Beer Union Council District Haripur NMA Minimum Dietary Diversity Score



    Topics are selected.

    1-     Awareness rising session on health and hygiene topics in the community.

    2- To improve the health and hygiene in the community.

    3-health and hygiene relation and diversity in food.

    4- Capacity building regarding health and hygiene.

    5- Hygiene promotion messages.

    6-hands washing with all teen steps covered.

    7- Additional messages for good health.

    8-sustainability options messages.

    9- key role of hygiene to promote nutrition .

    10 – Demand creation household level messages.

    11 – Sustaining behavior messages regarding health and hygiene.

    12- Hygiene promotion in food and balance diet.

    13- Food cleanliness regarding health and hygiene.

    14- Health and hygiene brings diversity in nutrition


    15 –ICE material for sessions.

    16 – Hands washing demonstration.


    • What is Hygiene?
    • What are the benefits of health and hygiene?
    • What is the status of Health & Hygiene in their area?
    • What are the issues of Health & Hygiene in their area?
    • Kitchen safety and hygiene?
    • Hygiene follows in food and other eating items?

     All topics covered that many diseases can affect the body brutally and there are many steps that can be taken individually & by the community as a whole. These steps concern personal hygiene, food hygiene environmental hygiene, & sanitation, which help in prevention of diseases. Following points about personal hygiene .

    Personal Hygiene

    Personal hygiene means to maintaining cleanliness and grooming of the external body.


    Poor Personal Hygiene

    Failure to keep up a standard of hygiene can have many implications. Not only is there an increased risk of getting an infection or illness, but there are many social and psychological aspects that can be affected.

    Poor Personal Hygiene, in relation to preventing the spread of disease is paramount in preventing epidemic or even pandemic outbreaks. To engage in some very basic measures could help prevent many coughs and colds from being passed from person to person.

    Children and Personal Hygiene

    Children should be taught the importance of hygiene as early as possible, with oral care, washing, and toilet hygiene and hair care being taught as part of everyday routines. By this a mother can prevent her child from different diseases and help out her kid in passing a healthy life.

    Aspects of Personal Hygiene

    There are many contributory factors that make up personal hygiene with the main ones being washing, oral care, hair care, nail care, wound care, cleansing of personal utensils and Preventing Infection. It is essentially the promotion and continuance of good health.

    Food Hygiene

    Probably the most important aspect of all, food hygiene is very closely association with personal hygiene. Poor personal cleansing can had a very significant effect on the start and spread of many illnesses.


    Sanitation is the hygienic means of promoting health, through prevention of human contact with the hazards of waste as well as the treatment proper disposal of sewage or waste water. We must use home toilet for prevention of diseases. We avoid open defecation & strictly instruction to other community members, do not use open place for waste it focuses on the management of waste produced by human activities.

    Nutrition’s values and hygiene. There are close connection between the hygiene and nutrition’s values. Because if we not follow the hygiene importance in our life no positive results have got from the nutrition hygiene plays important role to prevent diseases and for healthy life nutrition vales with the hygiene gives us healthy life to all our family.




  10. Objectives of breastfeeding week Celebrations in the community:

    • Community awareness rising regarding exclusively breastfeeding.
    • To convey the message of Islam regarding breast feeding.
    • Arrange the awareness rising in the community for educated the people on breastfeeding.
    • Exclusive breastfeeding up to 6months to 2years.
    • Breastfeeding importance for mother and baby
    • Awareness raising in females of the community especially pregnant and lactating mothers.
    • To promote breastfeeding practices in the females
    • Encourage elders female of the community to promote the breastfeeding in the houses
    • to provide the children breastfeeding till 2 years as the right of the child according to Islam
    • To reduce the infant death rate in the community.
    • To control the diseases speared in the result of artificial milk.
    • Ensure health and hygiene issues in Childs.
    • To aware the community regarding benefits of breastfeeding.
    • Engaged all family members to encourage the breastfeeding.
    • To reduce like cancer and others disease in females.
    • Breastfeeding is a nutrient diet provided all energy to the child.
    • Breastfeeding is a natural diet plan for childrens.
    • to realized the community about the importance of breastfeeding.





    Figure 1celebration picture

     activity in the community: activity starts with the recitation of holy Quran all members of community were warmly welcomed by the IC member. After brief introductory session the honorable guest along with Miss Sidra were present in the celebration the agenda of today is share with all female ” the breastfeeding celebration” on 5th august 2016 after brainstorming session about the breastfeeding we starts the topic of health and hygiene and nutrition values in our life. Then we came to the agenda point of breast feeding female gives us different opinion on the breastfeeding we discussed in detailed about the advantages of breastfeeding in detailed. it was observed that females have no awareness regarding breastfeeding after shared all information with females and others elders of the community they realized the importance of breastfeeding of the child till 2years.females told that her lower status of health condition and poor conditions of the house is not allow for breastfeeding some of nutrient deficiencies are shared by the members of the community. The cause behind the poor health condition is nutrition values ignorance so females guide firstly on hygiene and nutrition so they can easily understand the importance of breastfeeding these all observations shows that in the community females need the nutrition and balance diet awareness so she can safe her own life and provide breastfeeding to their child.  Sidra to interactions with females she gives an overview about the IC and its work regarding mother and child health all females emphasis on the importance of breastfeeding of child. Females gives their feedback about the celebration and appreciated the work of IC for health at the end all participants thanks for joining us in the celebration and spread all the key messages in the community for welfare of the people.


    1-       Nutrition and balance diet plays a very important role in our daily life. Nutrition values should be understand by everyone because a healthily person can take care of our family and serve the country by work. So we should all follow the nutrition values and balance diet importance in our life and guide all specially children’s and females we should follows diet plans and chats to improve the condition of health.

    2-    Antenatal care postnatal care :

    We also include the topic of antenatal care in our session because many antenatal and postnatal females female were present in the session .it was observed and to be very sad that they were not in good health condition we told them about the food and diet plan they should be follow during pregnancy periods. As they know about the health and hygiene issues nutrition diet and breastfeeding’s also discussed in detailed the danger signs during the pregnancy and also about postnatal care. They told us about their health condition and the problems they are facing. And also guide the females for regular checkup and told them about the importance of hospital deliveries. Especially we discussed about three delays in detail.

    Key objectives:

    • Important instructions of food for pregnant females and lactating women.
    • Nutrition and balance diet for mother and children’s.
    • During pregnancy danger signs because of poor condition of nutrition and balance diet.
    • Regular checkup of antenatal and postnatal.
    • Consult to the doctor during danger signs.
    • Use of healthy food in their diet plan.
    • Safe deliveries.
    • Three delays.
    • Postnatal care and checkup.
    • Diet for postnatal care.
    • Follow the breast feeding session.
    • Essential new born care.
    • FP consults to the doctor.
    • Health and hygiene


    • Lack of awareness regarding health and hygiene or nutrition.
    • No awareness regarding breastfeeding.
    • Lack of knowledge regarding health issues.
    • No interest in agricultural work and kitchen grading,
    • For behavior change a lot of efforts should be need.
    • Females want to know about a lot of information regarding health.
    • They also so wants changes in their life.
    • No nutrition values in the community.
    • Problem of water and hospitals are identifying by females in every session.
    • Weak linkages with government departments.
    • Poverty in the areas.
    • Expectation of the people.
    • Use of dirty water.
    • Malnutrition issues identify.
    • Children and women’s food deficiency.
    • Poor condition of health of pregnant women’s.
    • Male dominated area.
    • No interest in agricultural production
    • Females take interest in the session and learn more knowledge regarding health.
    • Need some practice for behavior change of the community?
    • Mixed community is living here some house condition were good and majority belong to poor families.
    • No stress on female education.
    • Lack of women empowerment.
    • Water and gas issues.

    Fears of people and negative rumors of the NGOs in the community


    • Outcomes and results:
    • Community awareness rising increased regarding breastfeeding.
    • A female knows the importance of breastfeeding.
    • To control the death rates in children's.
    • Females encourage the efforts doing for breastfeeding week.
    • In future every mother knows the importance of breast feeding.
    • Health and hygiene situation clarity in community.
    • Discourage all females the bottle feed for child.
    • To know the values of health and hygiene.
    • Capacity building of all females regarding topics.
    • Spread key messages in the community.





    Reported by: Sidragul (RSP)

  11. Formation of women Nutrition promotion committee



    Project Title:

    Behavioral change among mountainous rural women through awareness rising on nutrition sensitive agriculture

    Report Status/Activity:  Formation of women Nutrition Promotion Committee (WNPC)

    Project Location: District Haripur      

    Date of Visit/Meeting: 16-July-2016

    Union Council:   Beer

    Name of Village: Bhatt

    No of participants: 25

    Objective of Visit:

    • To establish a plate forum where women can gather
    • To increase the knowledge level of community
    • To ensure active participation of women in project activities
    • To support women of area to adopt good health practices
    • Social Empowerment of women
    • women Committee Formation  
    • Selection of Members 
    • Selection of leader and General Secretary

    Activity Progress/Procedure:

    • Introduction:

    Activity was started with the Recitation of Holy Quran. RSP welcomes the participant and introduced herself and Organizations which are supporting in implementation of MAAN project.

    • Project Activities:

    It was shared with participants that Inter-cooperation and IFOAM international are going to implement a Project named MAAN Project in the union council Beer along with 25 RSPs which will work in different villages of UC Beer. In this regards Miss Rizwana will work in Village Bhatt and village Ghoaraki to enhance the nutrition among the community through awareness raisin sessions and training of women because women of the rural areas are suffering from malnutrition and different health issues. They did not care about their health. As the major stake holder of a family their health is very important to ensure the health of their other family members.

    • Formation of Women Nutrition Promotion Committee:

    After this it was discussed that to ensure the project activities, involvement of women and to maintain system sustainability there is dire need of women forum where they gathered, discuss their all issues and plan strategies to resolve issues.

    To realize them the need of a women committee brainstorming session held in which asked to them that what they suggested for this? How they can cope with the present issues and in future for solution of the issues? All participants shared that there should be an organization which present the women of the area.

    With this point shared with them the importance of women plate forum and asked to select the members for this women committee. All the participants suggested the name of women Nutrition Promotion committee (WNPC) who can support and participate in the activities.

    • Importance of Women Nutrition Promotion Committee(WNPC)

    WNPC is an informal association of women in a community with a common objective of working together for their economic and social development, empowerment and also for overall area development”

    Homogeneity similarities related to age, sex, color, tribe religion, activity/occupation and profession, socio economic condition place of birth etc. Affinity Natural bonds due to mental characteristic like love and affection, mutual trust, respect, support, etc.

    • Selection of President & General Secretary:

    With the mutual discussion and willingness of all participants president and general secretary were selected for the committee. Selected core body name are following

    S. No




    Tanviran Bibi




                       General Secretary

    • Feature WNPC
        1. Small size 15-20,
        2. Voluntary membership
        3. Core Body as President and G. Secretary
        4. Emphasis on self-help
        5. Mutual help
        6. Not registered body
    • Role & Responsibilities of WNPC Members
      • Participation in Meeting
      • To aware others about Health, Hygiene & Nutrition
      • To facilitate others to increase cleanliness
      • To support RSP in implementation of Project activities
      • To shared and trickle down information with other community members which discussed in sessions
      • Take part to overcome bad behaviors/practices like unsafe drinking water, use of dirty hands, use of fertilizers, use of artificial meals, freeze & Packed food items etc
      • Play active role to increase healthy and full of nutrient diet in own family as well as other friends and neighbors
      • Promotion of organic food and discourage the fertilizers
      1. Small size 15-20,
      2. Voluntary membership
      3. Core Body as President and G. Secretary
      4. Emphasis on self-help
      5. Mutual help
      6. Not registered body

    Challenges/Issues & Observations in Area:

    • Low Socio-economic status of the community
    • Poor Hygienic conditions
    • Lack of Awareness about Hygiene, Food diversity & Balance Diet
    • No proper Health Services are available nearest the Area
    • LHW have not the capacity to sensitize and motivate community
    • Women were unaware about Antenatal/Postnatal care  and diet
    • No active Organization in area
    • Lack of awareness about Breast Feeding
    • Neglected Area by the Govt.
    •  Rain fed area
    • Unsafe drinking water
    • Consumption is high then production
    • No production attitude at domestic level
    • Very short agriculture area
    • Tars land
    • Very small kitchen gardening
    • Participation of women in agricultural activities like harvesting of crops, cutting grass and fodder for animal but no interest shown in vegetables, fruits production
    • Low poultry & live stock
    • Self-interest among people instead of area/ national interest
    • Demanding nature of the community
    • Concept of tangible activities by NGOs
    • Support in form of income-support activities like Benazir-income support program
    • Male dominating area
    • Water scarcity

    Important decisions of the Meeting:

    • Meeting will held every month
    • Mrs. Tanviran selected as President and Mrs. Shakeela as G. Secretary
    • Full support of all Members with RSP Miss Rizwana (RSP)
    • To implement the knowledge and information at own home as well as to convey the stake holders
    • Discuss issue
    • Take decision in meetings
    • Establish linkage with government department
    • Record Keeping

    Actual result:

    • Orientation of Project
    • Formed a strong Women Nutrition Promotion Committee
    • Identified the Challenges and Issues
    • Participants realized the need of women plate forum
    • Assigned rolled & Responsibilities to members
    • Prepared them for Implementing activities

    Reported By:

                       Rizwana Shaheen RSP (Village Bhatt & Ghoraki)

  12. Formation of Women Nutrition Promotion Committee Bhatt 2

    Project Title:

    Behavioral change among mountainous rural women through awareness rising on nutrition sensitive agriculture

    Report Status/Activity:  Formation of women Nutrition Promotion Committee (WNPC)

    Project Location: District Haripur      

    Date of Visit/Meeting: 17-July-2016

    Union Council:   Beer

    Name of Village: Bhatt Ziyrat

    No of Participants: 25  

    Objective of Visit:

    • To establish a plate forum where women can gather
    • To increase the knowledge level of community
    • To ensure active participation of women in project activities
    • To support women of area to adopt good health practices
    • Social Empowerment of women
    • women Committee Formation  
    • Selection of Members 
    • Selection of leader and General Secretary

    Activity Progress/Procedure:

    • Introduction:

    Activity was started with the Recitation of Holy Quran. RSP welcomes the participant and introduced herself and Organizations which are supporting in implementation of MAAN project.

    • Project Activities:

    It was shared with participants that Inter-cooperation and IFOAM international are going to implement a Project named MAAN Project in the union council Beer along with 25 RSPs which will work in different villages of UC Beer. In this regards Miss Rizwana will work in Village Bhatt and village Ghoaraki to enhance the nutrition among the community through awareness raisin sessions and training of women because women of the rural areas are suffering from malnutrition and different health issues. They did not care about their health. As the major stake holder of a family their health is very important to ensure the health of their other family members.

    • Formation of Women Nutrition Promotion Committee:

    After this it was discussed that to ensure the project activities, involvement of women and to maintain system sustainability there is dire need of women forum where they gathered, discuss their all issues and plan strategies to resolve issues.

    To realize them the need of a women committee brainstorming session held in which asked to them that what they suggested for this? How they can cope with the present issues and in future for solution of the issues? All participants shared that there should be an organization which present the women of the area.

    With this point shared with them the importance of women plate forum and asked to select the members for this women committee. All the participants suggested the name of women Nutrition Promotion committee (WNPC) who can support and participate in the activities.

    • Importance of Women Nutrition Promotion Committee(WNPC)

    WNPC is an informal association of women in a community with a common objective of working together for their economic and social development, empowerment and also for overall area development”

    Homogeneity similarities related to age, sex, color, tribe religion, activity/occupation and profession, socio economic condition place of birth etc. Affinity Natural bonds due to mental characteristic like love and affection, mutual trust, respect, support, etc.

    • Selection of President & General Secretary:

    With the mutual discussion and willingness of all participants president and general secretary were selected for the committee. Selected core body name are following

    S. No




    Raqooban Bibi                    




    General Secretary

    Feature WNPC

      1. Small size 15-20,
      2. Voluntary membership
      3. Core Body as President and G. Secretary
      4. Emphasis on self-help
      5. Mutual help
      6. Not registered body

    • Role & Responsibilities of WNPC Members
      • Participation in Meeting
      • To aware others about Health, Hygiene & Nutrition
      • To facilitate others to increase cleanliness
      • To support RSP in implementation of Project activities
      • To shared and trickle down information with other community members which discussed in sessions
      • Take part to overcome bad behaviors/practices like unsafe drinking water, use of dirty hands, use of fertilizers, use of artificial meals, freeze & Packed food items etc
      • Play active role to increase healthy and full of nutrient diet in own family as well as other friends and neighbors
      • Promotion of organic food and discourage the fertilizers
      1. Small size 15-20,
      2. Voluntary membership
      3. Core Body as President and G. Secretary
      4. Emphasis on self-help
      5. Mutual help
      6. Not registered body

    Challenges/Issues & Observations in Area:

    • Low Socio-economic status of the community
    • Poor Hygienic conditions
    • Lack of Awareness about Hygiene, Food diversity & Balance Diet
    • No proper Health Services are available nearest the Area
    • LHW have not the capacity to sensitize and motivate community
    • Women were unaware about Antenatal/Postnatal care  and diet
    • No active Organization in area
    • Lack of awareness about Breast Feeding
    • Neglected Area by the Govt.
    •  Rain fed area
    • Unsafe drinking water
    • Consumption is high then production
    • No production attitude at domestic level
    • Very short agriculture area
    • Tars land
    • Very small kitchen gardening
    • Participation of women in agricultural activities like harvesting of crops, cutting grass and fodder for animal but no interest shown in vegetables, fruits production
    • Low poultry & live stock
    • Self-interest among people instead of area/ national interest
    • Demanding nature of the community
    • Concept of tangible activities by NGOs
    • Support in form of income-support activities like Benazir-income support program
    • Male dominating area
    • Water scarcity

    Important decisions of the Meeting:

    • Meeting will held every month
    • Mrs. Raqooban selected as President and Mrs. Saira as G. Secretary
    • Full support of all Members with RSP Miss Rizwana (RSP)
    • To implement the knowledge and information at own home as well as to convey the stake holders
    • Discuss issues in meeting
    • Take decision in meetings
    • Establish linkage with government department
    • Record Keeping

    Actual result:

    • Orientation of Project
    • Formed a strong Women Nutrition Promotion Committee
    • Identified the Challenges and Issues
    • Participants realized the need of women plate forum
    • Assigned rolled & Responsibilities to members
    • Prepared them for Implementing activities

    Reported By:

                       Rizwana Shaheen RSP (Village Bhatt & Ghoraki)

  13. Formation of women Nutrition promotion committee


    Project Title:

    Behavioral change among mountainous rural women through awareness rising on nutrition sensitive agriculture

    Report Status/Activity:  Formation of women Nutrition Promotion Committee (WNPC)

    Project Location: District Haripur      

    Date of Visit/Meeting: 02-August-2016

    Union Council:   Beer

    Name of Village: Ghoraki

    No of Participants: 23  

    Objective of Visit:

    • To establish a plate forum where women can gather
    • To increase the knowledge level of community
    • To ensure active participation of women in project activities
    • To support women of area to adopt good health practices
    • Social Empowerment of women
    • women Committee Formation  
    • Selection of Members 
    • Selection of leader and General Secretary

    Activity Progress/Procedure:

    • Introduction:

    Activity was started with the Recitation of Holy Quran. RSP welcomes the participant and introduced herself and Organizations which are supporting in implementation of MAAN project.

    • Project Activities:

    It was shared with participants that Inter-cooperation and IFOAM international are going to implement a Project named MAAN Project in the union council Beer along with 25 RSPs which will work in different villages of UC Beer. In this regards Miss Rizwana will work in Village Bhatt and village Ghoaraki to enhance the nutrition among the community through awareness raisin sessions and training of women because women of the rural areas are suffering from malnutrition and different health issues. They did not care about their health. As the major stake holder of a family their health is very important to ensure the health of their other family members.

    • Formation of Women Nutrition Promotion Committee:

    After this it was discussed that to ensure the project activities, involvement of women and to maintain system sustainability there is dire need of women forum where they gathered, discuss their all issues and plan strategies to resolve issues.

    To realize them the need of a women committee brainstorming session held in which asked to them that what they suggested for this? How they can cope with the present issues and in future for solution of the issues? All participants shared that there should be an organization which present the women of the area.

    With this point shared with them the importance of women plate forum and asked to select the members for this women committee. All the participants suggested the name of women Nutrition Promotion committee (WNPC) who can support and participate in the activities.

    • Importance of Women Nutrition Promotion Committee(WNPC)

    WNPC is an informal association of women in a community with a common objective of working together for their economic and social development, empowerment and also for overall area development”

    Homogeneity similarities related to age, sex, color, tribe religion, activity/occupation and profession, socio economic condition place of birth etc. Affinity Natural bonds due to mental characteristic like love and affection, mutual trust, respect, support, etc.

    • Selection of President & General Secretary:

    With the mutual discussion and willingness of all participants president and general secretary were selected for the committee. Selected core body name are following

    S. No




    Tahzeem Bibi




    General Secretary


    • Feature WNPC
        1. Small size 15-20,
        2. Voluntary membership
        3. Core Body as President and G. Secretary
        4. Emphasis on self-help
        5. Mutual help
        6. Not registered body
    • Role & Responsibilities of WNPC Members
      • Participation in Meeting
      • To aware others about Health, Hygiene & Nutrition
      • To facilitate others to increase cleanliness
      • To support RSP in implementation of Project activities
      • To shared and trickle down information with other community members which discussed in sessions
      • Take part to overcome bad behaviors/practices like unsafe drinking water, use of dirty hands, use of fertilizers, use of artificial meals, freeze & Packed food items etc
      • Play active role to increase healthy and full of nutrient diet in own family as well as other friends and neighbors
      • Promotion of organic food and discourage the fertilizers
      1. Small size 15-20,
      2. Voluntary membership
      3. Core Body as President and G. Secretary
      4. Emphasis on self-help
      5. Mutual help
      6. Not registered body

    Challenges/Issues & Observations in Area:

    • Low Socio-economic status of the community
    • Poor Hygienic conditions
    • Lack of Awareness about Hygiene, Food diversity & Balance Diet
    • No proper Health Services are available nearest the Area
    • No active Organization in area
    • Neglected Area by the Govt.
    •  Rain fed area
    • Unsafe drinking water
    • Consumption is high then production
    • Very short agriculture area
    • Tares land
    • Very small kitchen gardening
    • Participation of women in agricultural activities like harvesting of crops, cutting grass and fodder for animal but no interest shown in vegetables, fruits production
    • Low poultry & live stock
    • Self-interest among people instead of area/ national interest
    • Demanding nature of the community
    • Concept of tangible activities by NGOs
    • Support in form of income-support activities like Benazir-income support program
    • Male dominating area
    • Water scarcity

    Important decisions of the Meeting:

    • Meeting will held every month
    • Mrs. Tahzeem Bibi selected as President and Mrs. Nazrana Shaheen as G. Secretary
    • Full support of all Members with RSP Miss Rizwana (RSP)
    • To implement the knowledge and information at own home as well as to convey the stake holders
    • Discuss issues in meeting
    • Take decision in meetings
    • Establish linkage with government department
    • Record Keeping

    Actual result:

    • Orientation of Project
    • Formed a strong Women Nutrition Promotion Committee
    • Identified the Challenges and Issues
    • Participants realized the need of women plate forum
    • Assigned rolled & Responsibilities to members
    • Prepared them for Implementing activities

    Reported By:

                       Rizwana Shaheen RSP (Village Bhatt & Ghoraki)



  14. Awareness Raising Session

    Date:                                   25-7-2016

    Time:                                   11:45 am

    Area/UC:                            Beer

    Venue:                                village Bhatt

    Activity:                              Community Awareness raising Session

    No of Participants:          16          

    Objective of the session

    •  To increase awareness about Health & Hygiene
    •   To improve living environment at house hold level
    •   To improve care seeking behavior of rural women about nutrition & balance diet
    •   To realize rural women about importance of food diversity to overcome malnutrition among women and children


    • Community women (Youth, Mothers, Mothers in Law, Antenatal)
    • Lady Counselor
    • Rizwana Shaheen RSP

    Agenda Points

    • Introduction of RSP & Project Organizations
    • Project Activities
    • Importance of Health & Hygiene
    • Hand Washing  Demonstration
    • Role of nutrition and Food Diversity for human life


    Activity was started with the recitation of Holy Quran. I introduce myself and introduced Inter-cooperation and IFOAM International. Then I briefed them about the project activities & objectives. Then I took the session about importance of Hygiene in daily life. I started with brainstorming session and asked many introductory questions to ensure active participation of the community and to know the actual situation of community, like

    • What is Hygiene?
    • What are the benefits of health and hygiene?
    • What is the current status of Health & Hygiene conditions in their area?
    • What are the issues of Health & Hygiene in their area?
    • What is importance of hand washing?

    It was discussed that many diseases can affect the body brutally and sometime damaged immune system of body. However there are many steps that can be taken individually & by the community as a whole. These steps concern personal hygiene, environmental hygiene, & sanitation, which help in prevention of diseases. The RSP told the following points about personal hygiene to community members.

    Social impact

    A person with poor personal hygiene might be isolated from friendship because telling the person about the situation might be sensitive and culturally difficult. The success of a job application or the chance of promotion could be affected by poor personal hygiene; no company wants to be represented by someone who does not appear to be able to look after themselves.

    Personal Hygiene

    Personal hygiene may be described as the principle of maintaining cleanliness and grooming of the external body. Maintaining a high level of personal hygiene will help to increase self-esteem and confidence, while minimizing the chances of developing imperfections.

    ·        Poor Personal Hygiene

    Failure to keep up a standard of hygiene can have many implications. Not only is there an increased risk of getting an infection or illness, but there are many social and psychological aspects that can be affected.

    Poor Personal Hygiene, in relation to preventing the spread of disease is paramount in preventing epidemic or even pandemic outbreaks. To engage in some very basic measures could help prevent many coughs and colds from being passed from person to person.

    ·        Children and Personal Hygiene

    Children should be taught the importance of hygiene as early as possible, with oral care, washing, and toilet hygiene and hair care being taught as part of everyday routines. By this a mother can prevent her child from different diseases and help out her kid in passing a healthy life.

    ·        Aspects of Personal Hygiene

    There are many contributory factors that make up personal hygiene with the main ones being washing, oral care, hair care, nail care, wound care, cleansing of personal utensils and Preventing Infection. It is essentially the promotion and continuance of good health.

    ·        Food Hygiene

    Probably the most important aspect of all, food hygiene is very closely associated with personal hygiene. Poor personal cleansing can have a very significant effect on the start and spread of many illnesses through contact with nutritional consumables, some that can be potentially lethal.

    • Basic Sanitation: Refers to the management of human faces at his house hold level. It means access to a toilet or latrines
    • Food sanitation: Refers to the hygienic measures for ensuring food safely. Food hygiene is similar to food sanitation
    • Housing Sanitation: Refers to safeguarding the home environment.
    • Environmental Sanitation: The control of environmental factors that from links in disease transmission. This category include solid waste management’s, water & waste water treatment. Industrial waste treatment & noise & pollution control etc.

    Hand Washing Demonstration

    • First wet hands with clean water and lather with a bar of soap.
    • Next rub hands together vigorously and scrub all surfaces up to your wrists.
    • Clean under finger & nails.
    • Continue for 15–30 seconds
    • Rinse your hands well with clean running water (pour from a jug or tap).
    • Dry your hands in the air to avoid recontamination on a dirty towel – do not touch anything until your hands are dry.


    When we need hand washing

    • After using the toilet (or disposing of human or animal feces)
    • After changing a baby’s diaper (nappy) and disposing of the feces.
    • Immediately after touching raw food when preparing meals (e.g. chicken or other meat).
    • Before preparing and handling cooked/ready-to-eat food.
    • Before eating food or feeding children.
    • After contact with contaminated surfaces (e.g. rubbish bins, cleaning cloths, food-contaminated surfaces).
    • After handling pets and domestic animals.
    • After wiping or blowing the nose or sneezing into the hands (respiratory hygiene).
    • After handling soiled tissues (own or others e.g. children).


    Nutrition is nourishment or energy that is obtained from food consumed or the process of consuming the proper amount of nourishment and energy


    Sources of Nutrition:


    • Fruits (Fresh/Dried)
    • Vegetables
    • Dairy Products
    • Eggs
    • Pulses


    • Low Socio-economic status of the community
    • Poor Hygienic conditions
    • Lack of Awareness about Hygiene, Food diversity & Balance Diet
    • No proper Health Services are available nearest the Area
    • LHW have not the capacity to sensitize and motivate community
    • Women were unaware about Antenatal/Postnatal care  and diet
    • No active Organization in area
    • Lack of awareness about Breast Feeding
    • Neglected Area by the Govt.
    •  Rain fed area
    • Unsafe drinking water
    • Self-interest among people instead of area/ national interest


    • Demanding nature of the community
    • Concept of tangible activities by NGOs
    • Support in form of income-support activities like Benazir-income support program
    • Male dominating area
    • Decision by male member of community
    • Water scarcity
    • Personal/traditional believes of the community
    • Myths
    • Issues and conflict among different community members which is hurdle to united them at a same forum


    • women were very pleased with this activity as they gained valuable knowledge in maintaining healthy & hygienic life styles for themselves & their families
    • Awareness raised about Hygiene & nutrition
    • Learned the method of hand washing and ensure this in daily routine activities
    • Women Social empowerment
    • Information will shared to other family members and women

    Reported By:

                                  Rizwana Shaheen RSP UC Beer Villages Bhatt & Ghoraki


  15. Awareness Raising Session

    Date:                      3-8-2016

    Time:                     12:40 pm

    Area/UC:               Beer

    Venue:                   village Bhatt

    Activity:                 Community Awareness raising Session

    No of Participants: 11     

    Objective of the session

    v  To increase awareness about Balance diet & Breast Feeding

    v  To improve care seeking behavior of rural women about nutrition & balance diet

    v  To realize rural women about importance of food diversity to overcome malnutrition among women and children


    • Community women (Youth, Mothers, Mothers in Law)
    • Leady Counselor
    • Rizwana Shaheen (RSP)

    Agenda Points

    • Role of nutrition and Food Diversity for human life
    • Importance of Balance diet
    • Importance of Breast Feeding


    Activity was started with the recitation of Holy Quran. I introduce myself and introduced Inter-cooperation and IFOAM International. Then took the session about importance of Nutrition and balance diet in daily life. I started with brainstorming session and asked many introductory questions to ensure active participation of the community and to know the actual situation of community, like

    • What they know about Nutrition?
    • What is balance diet according to their views?
    • Food habits in the community?
    • What are the main crops in the area?
    • What they know about agriculture and kitchen gardening?
    • Main Vegetables and fruits of the area?


    Nutrition is nourishment or energy that is obtained from food consumed or the process of consuming the proper amount of nourishment and energy

    Sources of Nutrition:

    • Fruits (Fresh/Dried)
    • Vegetables
    • Dairy Products
    • Eggs
    • Pulses
    • Grains
    • Fats
    • Meat

    What is balance diet :

    A diet consisting of the proper quantities and proportions of foods needed to maintain health or growth.


    A balanced diet is a way of eating all of the right nutrients that our body needs in order to be healthy. Everyone’s bodies are different and often individuals require a different amount and type of nutrients. This can depend on age, gender, illness and the rate at which our body works.

    Importance of Balance diet

    A balanced diet is important because our organs and tissues need proper nutrition to work effectively. Without good nutrition, our body is more vulnerable to disease, infection, fatigue, and poor performance. Children with a poor diet run the risk of growth and developmental problems and poor academic performance. Bad eating habits can persist for the rest of their lives.

    Eight tips that cover the basics of maintaining a balanced diet and choosing the healthier option:

    1. Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. If we can, try to include more. It is said that only a small number of the population reaches the full five.
    2. Cut down our sugar and saturated fat intake.
    3. Drink plenty of water, six to eight glasses are the recommended amount. Add a fresh squeeze of lemon if we want a bit of flavor.
    4. At least two portions of fish every week
    5. Reduce our salt intake.
    6. Always eat breakfast , it gives energy for the day. Try to fit in one of that 5 a day.
    7. Use starchy foods as the base of meals. These act as fuel for the day.
    8. Get active.  Do exercise and try a brisk walk for 30 minutes daily.

    Basic portion sizes

    • Carbohydrates, such as rice, cereal and potato should generally be the size of fist.
    • Butter and spreads are often high in fat and sugar the ideal portion should only be the tip of thumb.
    • It is suggested that a portion of protein, like meat and fish, is best matching the palm of hand.
    • Professionals advise the fruit and vegetable portion is the largest.

    Breast Feeding

    Breast feeding by the mother to her new born infant is greatly beneficial as science had proven, and it is mandatory in the Noble Quran.  Allah Almighty Commanded the mother to breast feed her child for two full years.


    Recent data from the World Health Organization showed that about 60% of all deaths, occurring among children aged less than five years (under-five children) in developing countries, could be attributed to malnutrition. It has been estimated that nearly 50.6 million under-five children are malnourished, and almost 90% of these children are from developing countries.

    Why is exclusive breastfeeding recommended for the first six months

    International guidelines recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months based on scientific evidence of the benefits for infant survival, growth, and development. Breast milk provides all the energy and nutrients that an infant needs during the first six months. Exclusive breastfeeding reduces infant deaths caused by common childhood illnesses such as diarrhea and pneumonia, hastens recovery during illness, and helps space births.

    What Are the Benefits of Breastfeeding for Baby

    Breast milk provides the ideal nutrition for infants. It has a nearly perfect mix of vitamins, protein, and fats. Everything a baby needs to grow. And it's all provided in a form more easily digested than infant formula. Breast milk contains antibodies that help a baby fight off viruses and bacteria. It's been thought to lower the risk of diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers as well. 

    Are There Breastfeeding Benefits for the Mother

    Breast feeding burns extra calories, so it can help lose pregnancy weight faster. It releases the hormone, which helps the uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size and may reduce uterine bleeding after birth. Breastfeeding also lowers risk of breast and ovarian cancer.


    • Lack of awareness about breast feeding, Nutrition and balance diet
    • Infants given “ghuti” instead of breast fed at the time of birth
    • No proper use of balance diet
    • No food diversity
    • Use of artificial and packed foods like chicken, formula milk etc


    • Women excuses that they can’t afforded all food items because of low socio-economic status
    • Demanding nature of the community
    • Strong publicity by the Media coverage 
    • Concept of tangible activities by NGOs
    • Male dominating area
    • Decision by male member of community
    • Personal/traditional believes of the community


    • women were very pleased with this activity as they gained valuable knowledge in maintaining healthy &  Nutrient full life styles for themselves & their families
    • Awareness raised about Balance diet, Breast feeding & nutrition
    • Women Social empowerment
    • Promote kitchen gardening and organic food to ensure proper health
    • Information will shared to other family members and women

    Reported By:

                             Rizwana Shaheen RSP UC Beer Villages Bhatt & Ghoraki

  16. Awareness Raising Session

    Date:                      6-8-2016

    Time:                     12:30 pm

    Area/UC:               Beer

    Venue:                   village Bhatt

    Activity:                 Community Awareness raising Session

    No of Participants: 10     

    Objective of the session

    v  To increase awareness about Balance diet & Breast Feeding

    v  To improve care seeking behavior of rural women about nutrition & balance diet

    v  To realize rural women about importance of food diversity to overcome malnutrition among women and children


    • Community women (Youth, Mothers, Mothers in Law, Postnatal)
    • President of WNPC
    • Rizwana Shaheen (RSP)

    Agenda Points

    • Role of nutrition and Food Diversity for human life
    • Importance of Balance diet
    • Importance of Breast Feeding


    Activity was started with the recitation of Holy Quran. I introduce herself and introduced Inter-cooperation and IFOAM International. Then took the session about importance of Nutrition and balance diet in daily life.  I started with brainstorming session and asked many introductory questions to ensure active participation of the community and to know the actual situation of community, like

    • What they know about Nutrition?
    • What is balance diet according to their views?
    • Food habits in the community?
    • What are the main crops in the area?
    • What they know about agriculture and kitchen gardening?
    • Main Vegetables and fruits of the area?


    Nutrition is nourishment or energy that is obtained from food consumed or the process of consuming the proper amount of nourishment and energy

    Sources of Nutrition:

    • Fruits (Fresh/Dried)
    • Vegetables
    • Dairy Products
    • Eggs
    • Pulses
    • Grains
    • Fats
    • Meat

    What is balance diet :

    A diet consisting of the proper quantities and proportions of foods needed to maintain health or growth.


    A balanced diet is a way of eating all of the right nutrients that our body needs in order to be healthy. Everyone’s bodies are different and often individuals require a different amount and type of nutrients. This can depend on age, gender, illness and the rate at which our body works.

    Importance of Balance diet

    A balanced diet is important because our organs and tissues need proper nutrition to work effectively. Without good nutrition, our body is more vulnerable to disease, infection, fatigue, and poor performance. Children with a poor diet run the risk of growth and developmental problems and poor academic performance. Bad eating habits can persist for the rest of their lives.

    Eight tips that cover the basics of maintaining a balanced diet and choosing the healthier option:

    1. Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. If we can, try to include more. It is said that only a small number of the population reaches the full five.
    2. Cut down our sugar and saturated fat intake.
    3. Drink plenty of water, six to eight glasses are the recommended amount. Add a fresh squeeze of lemon if we want a bit of flavor.
    4. At least two portions of fish every week
    5. Reduce our salt intake.
    6. Always eat breakfast , it gives energy for the day. Try to fit in one of that 5 a day.
    7. Use starchy foods as the base of meals. These act as fuel for the day.
    8. Get active.  Do exercise and try a brisk walk for 30 minutes daily.

    Basic portion sizes

    • Carbohydrates, such as rice, cereal and potato should generally be the size of fist.

    • Butter and spreads are often high in fat and sugar the ideal portion should only be the tip of thumb.

    • It is suggested that a portion of protein, like meat and fish, is best matching the palm of hand.

    • Professionals advise the fruit and vegetable portion is the largest.

    Breast Feeding

    Breast feeding by the mother to her new born infant is greatly beneficial as science had proven, and it is mandatory in the Noble Quran.  Allah Almighty Commanded the mother to breast feed her child for two full years.


    Recent data from the World Health Organization showed that about 60% of all deaths, occurring among children aged less than five years (under-five children) in developing countries, could be attributed to malnutrition. It has been estimated that nearly 50.6 million under-five children are malnourished, and almost 90% of these children are from developing countries.

    Why is exclusive breastfeeding recommended for the first six months

    International guidelines recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months based on scientific evidence of the benefits for infant survival, growth, and development. Breast milk provides all the energy and nutrients that an infant needs during the first six months. Exclusive breastfeeding reduces infant deaths caused by common childhood illnesses such as diarrhea and pneumonia, hastens recovery during illness, and helps space births.

    What Are the Benefits of Breastfeeding for Baby

    Breast milk provides the ideal nutrition for infants. It has a nearly perfect mix of vitamins, protein, and fats. Everything a baby needs to grow. And it's all provided in a form more easily digested than infant formula. Breast milk contains antibodies that help a baby fight off viruses and bacteria. It's been thought to lower the risk of diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers as well.

    Are There Breastfeeding Benefits for the Mother

    Breast feeding burns extra calories, so it can help lose pregnancy weight faster. It releases the hormone, which helps the uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size and may reduce uterine bleeding after birth. Breastfeeding also lowers risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

    Key Achievement:

    A 7 days postnatal Mrs. Zaib were counseled for exclusive breast feeding with sharing all importance of breast feeding for mother-child health. She was happy and agreed and responded positively. She shared that before this no one told her about this valuable knowledge.


    • Lack of awareness about breast feeding, Nutrition and balance diet
    • Infants given “ghuti” instead of breast fed at the time of birth
    • No proper use of balance diet
    • No food diversity
    • Use of artificial and packed foods like chicken, formula milk etc


    • Women excuses that they can’t afforded all food items because of low socio-economic status
    • Demanding nature of the community
    • Strong publicity by the Media coverage 
    • Concept of tangible activities by NGOs
    • Male dominating area
    • Decision by male member of community
    • Personal/traditional believes of the community


    • women were very pleased with this activity as they gained valuable knowledge in maintaining healthy &  Nutrient full life styles for themselves & their families
    • Awareness raised about Balance diet, Breast feeding & nutrition
    • Women Social empowerment
    • Promote kitchen gardening and organic food to ensure proper health
    • Information will shared to other family members and women

    Reported By:

                             Rizwana Shaheen RSP UC Beer Villages Bhatt & Ghoraki

  17. Awareness Raising Session

    Date:                      6-8-2016

    Time:                     2:50 pm

    Area/UC:               Beer

    Venue:                   village Bhatt/ Tasleem House

    Activity:                 Community Awareness raising Session

    No of Participants: 10     

    Objective of the session

    v  To increase awareness about Balance diet & Breast Feeding

    v  To improve care seeking behavior of rural women about nutrition & balance diet

    v  To realize rural women about importance of food diversity to overcome malnutrition among women and children


    • Community women (Youth, Mothers, Mothers in Law, Postnatal)
    • President of WNPC
    • Rizwana Shaheen (RSP)

    Agenda Points

    • Role of nutrition and Food Diversity for human life
    • Importance of Balance diet
    • Importance of Breast Feeding


    Activity was started with the recitation of Holy Quran. I introduce herself and introduced Inter-cooperation and IFOAM International. Then I took the session about importance of Nutrition and balance diet in daily life. After this I started with brainstorming session and asked many introductory questions to ensure active participation of the community and to know the actual situation of community, like

    • What they know about Nutrition?
    • What is balance diet according to their views?
    • Food habits in the community?
    • What are the main crops in the area?
    • What they know about agriculture and kitchen gardening?
    • Main Vegetables and fruits of the area?


    Nutrition is nourishment or energy that is obtained from food consumed or the process of consuming the proper amount of nourishment and energy

    Sources of Nutrition:

    • Fruits (Fresh/Dried)
    • Vegetables
    • Dairy Products
    • Eggs
    • Pulses
    • Grains
    • Fats
    • Meat

    What is balance diet :

    A diet consisting of the proper quantities and proportions of foods needed to maintain health or growth.


    A balanced diet is a way of eating all of the right nutrients that our body needs in order to be healthy. Everyone’s bodies are different and often individuals require a different amount and type of nutrients. This can depend on age, gender, illness and the rate at which our body works.

    Importance of Balance diet

    A balanced diet is important because our organs and tissues need proper nutrition to work effectively. Without good nutrition, our body is more vulnerable to disease, infection, fatigue, and poor performance. Children with a poor diet run the risk of growth and developmental problems and poor academic performance. Bad eating habits can persist for the rest of their lives.

    Eight tips that cover the basics of maintaining a balanced diet and choosing the healthier option:

    1. Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. If we can, try to include more. It is said that only a small number of the population reaches the full five.
    2. Cut down our sugar and saturated fat intake.
    3. Drink plenty of water, six to eight glasses are the recommended amount. Add a fresh squeeze of lemon if we want a bit of flavor.
    4. At least two portions of fish every week
    5. Reduce our salt intake.
    6. Always eat breakfast , it gives energy for the day. Try to fit in one of that 5 a day.
    7. Use starchy foods as the base of meals. These act as fuel for the day.
    8. Get active.  Do exercise and try a brisk walk for 30 minutes daily.

    Basic portion sizes

    • Carbohydrates, such as rice, cereal and potato should generally be the size of fist.
    • Butter and spreads are often high in fat and sugar the ideal portion should only be the tip of thumb.
    • It is suggested that a portion of protein, like meat and fish, is best matching the palm of hand.
    • Professionals advise the fruit and vegetable portion is the largest.

    Breast Feeding

    Breast feeding by the mother to her new born infant is greatly beneficial as science had proven, and it is mandatory in the Noble Quran.  Allah Almighty Commanded the mother to breast feed her child for two full years.


    Recent data from the World Health Organization showed that about 60% of all deaths, occurring among children aged less than five years (under-five children) in developing countries, could be attributed to malnutrition. It has been estimated that nearly 50.6 million under-five children are malnourished, and almost 90% of these children are from developing countries.

    Why is exclusive breastfeeding recommended for the first six months

    International guidelines recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months based on scientific evidence of the benefits for infant survival, growth, and development. Breast milk provides all the energy and nutrients that an infant needs during the first six months. Exclusive breastfeeding reduces infant deaths caused by common childhood illnesses such as diarrhea and pneumonia, hastens recovery during illness, and helps space births.

    What Are the Benefits of Breastfeeding for Baby

    Breast milk provides the ideal nutrition for infants. It has a nearly perfect mix of vitamins, protein, and fats. Everything a baby needs to grow. And it's all provided in a form more easily digested than infant formula. Breast milk contains antibodies that help a baby fight off viruses and bacteria. It's been thought to lower the risk of diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers as well.

    Are There Breastfeeding Benefits for the Mother

    Breast feeding burns extra calories, so it can help lose pregnancy weight faster. It releases the hormone, which helps the uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size and may reduce uterine bleeding after birth. Breastfeeding also lowers risk of breast and ovarian cancer.


    • Lack of awareness about breast feeding, Nutrition and balance diet
    • Infants given “ghuti” instead of breast fed at the time of birth
    • No proper use of balance diet
    • No food diversity
    • Use of artificial and packed foods like chicken, formula milk etc


    • Women excuses that they can’t afforded all food items because of low socio-economic status
    • Demanding nature of the community
    • Strong publicity by the Media coverage 
    • Concept of tangible activities by NGOs
    • Male dominating area
    • Decision by male member of community
    • Personal/traditional believes of the community


    • women were very pleased with this activity as they gained valuable knowledge in maintaining healthy &  Nutrient full life styles for themselves & their families
    • Awareness raised about Balance diet, Breast feeding & nutrition
    • Women Social empowerment
    • Promote kitchen gardening and organic food to ensure proper health
    • Information will shared to other family members and women

    Reported By:

                             Rizwana Shaheen RSP UC Beer Villages Bhatt & Ghoraki



  18. Exposure visits to RSPs Groups:

    Exposure visit to Rsps groups on 1st September first of all the visit planed to the group of Respected and most senior RSP Mr. mian abbasi where the training of the groups member were proceeding by the female trainer their also male training were arranged in the village of Nelore the training theme is about kitchen gardening A large numbers of females and males were join the training session the purpose of exposure visit is to interaction with females of the areas and to know the interest of the people about training on kitchen gardening after introduction session,  gave them the orientation about the project and the work and the sessions was conducting in the areas of Nelore and discussed  series of topics which were discussed in Nelore and others catchments areas. Females take interest in the topics and asked the different questions regarding health and hygiene and nutrition.atfter orientation training was start after orientation we see females really take interest in the training give feedback about the training first day gave them the time and date for the next detail session. There is so many things I have observed about females it would be helpful for me to covered all area and provide them to knowledge about all important topics, at last thanks to all participants to give me the time and take interest in the discussion. And at the end thanks to Mr Abbasi to give me permission for the visit to his group then we according to the plan visit to sir Amir group to watch the theater activity about the nutrition and kitchen gardening. Give us more information and innovation about the activities there we give the orientation about the Awareness rising topic and about the work, IC regarding nutrition and sustainable agriculture.


    Objective of the visit:

    • To Aware the community about health and hygiene topics
    • Meet with the community members
    • Developed linkages with the LHVs and TBAs
    • Learning and capacity building
    • To know about the health and hygiene condition in the areas
    • To know the females interests about kitchen gardening
    • To attend the training session of kitchen gardening for increased the level of knowledge.
    • Give orientation to the females about all works and topics.
      • Awareness rising of community about health and hygiene.
      • To increased the level of knowledge about health and hygiene at community level.
      • Islamic concept regarding health and hygiene importance.
      • To control all diseases especially seasonal diseases speared in community.
      • To follow hygiene all guidelines in our daily life.
      • To promote the good habits of the community regarding hygiene.
      • Use of clean water.
      • Use of fresh vegetables and food in daily routine,
      • TO follow all Pamphlets daily routine.


    Observations :

    • Lack of awareness regarding health and hygiene or nutrition.
    • No nutrition values in the community.
    • Problem of water and hospitals are identifying by females in every session.
    • Weak linkages with government departments.
    • Poverty in the areas.
    • Expectation of the people.
    • Use of dirty water.
    • Malnutrition issues identify.
    • Nutrition deficiencies
    •  No interest in Kitchen gardening
    • Children and women’s food deficiency.
    • Poor condition of health of pregnant women’s.
    • Male dominated area.
    • No interest in agricultural production
    • Females take interest in the session and learn more knowledge regarding health.
    • Need some practice for behavior change of the community?
    • Mixed community is living here some house condition is good some belong to poor families.
    • No stress on female education.
    • Fears of people and negative rumors of the NGOs in the community.

    Expected result :

    • We can increase the level of the knowledge and capacity building regarding health and hygiene.
    • To cover the areas
    • Awareness increased of the community.
    • Disease control techniques.
    • Behavior change regarding hygiene values,
    • Good habits regarding food,
    • To follow the all guidelines.
    • Promote good values regarding health.
    • Clean water use methodology.
    • Communities understand the vales of health and hygiene.

    Challenges and problems :

    •  Negative Behavior of the people
    • Nutrition values.
    • Secreted houses in far away.
    •  Hide their personal information.
    • No awareness about health.
    • Timing issues. Climate changes.
    • Very hot weather.
    • Walking distance.
    • Negative behavior of people about food.
    • No interest shows in agriculture productions.
    • Water problem in every place.
    •  Mostly contain on mountainous areas.
    • No awareness about agricultural productions.
    • Lack of education in the areas.
    • Very weak condition of child and specially pregnant women’s
    • Less use of dairy products in their diet.
    • Low status of health.
    • Expectations and hopes to the the project.
    • No any identifications cards.
    • Health and hygiene problems.
    • No awareness regarding balance diet.


     Status of accomplishments:

       Activity is completed 


    • Communities were very pleased with this activity as they gained valuable knowledge in maintaining healthy & hygienic life styles for themselves & their families.
    • Awareness rise about Hygiene.
    • Capacity building of group.
    • Group strengthens.
    • Behavior change of the community regarding nutrition values and health and hygiene.
    • Experiences share regarding health and hygiene.


     Reported by sidragul(RSP)

  19. Objectives of breastfeeding week Celebrations in the community:

    • Community awareness rising regarding exclusively breastfeeding.
    • To convey the message of Islam regarding breast feeding.
    • Arrange the awareness rising in the community for educated the people on breastfeeding.
    • Exclusive breastfeeding up to 6months to 2years.
    • Breastfeeding importance for mother and baby
    • Awareness raising in females of the community especially pregnant and lactating mothers.
    • To promote breastfeeding practices in the females
    • Encourage elders female of the community to promote the breastfeeding in the houses
    • to provide the children breastfeeding till 2 years as the right of the child according to Islam
    • To reduce the infant death rate in the community.
    • To control the diseases speared in the result of artificial milk.
    • Ensure health and hygiene issues in Childs.
    • To aware the community regarding benefits of breastfeeding.
    • Engaged all family members to encourage the breastfeeding.
    • To reduce like cancer and others disease in females.
    • Breastfeeding is a nutrient diet provided all energy to the child.
    • Breastfeeding is a natural diet plan for childrens.
    • to realized the community about the importance of breastfeeding.





    Figure 1celebration picture

     activity in the community: activity starts with the recitation of holy Quran all members of community were warmly welcomed by the IC member. After brief introductory session the honorable guest along with Miss Sidra were present in the celebration the agenda of today is share with all female ” the breastfeeding celebration” on 5th august 2016 after brainstorming session about the breastfeeding we starts the topic of health and hygiene and nutrition values in our life. Then we came to the agenda point of breast feeding female gives us different opinion on the breastfeeding we discussed in detailed about the advantages of breastfeeding in detailed. it was observed that females have no awareness regarding breastfeeding after shared all information with females and others elders of the community they realized the importance of breastfeeding of the child till 2years.females told that her lower status of health condition and poor conditions of the house is not allow for breastfeeding some of nutrient deficiencies are shared by the members of the community. The cause behind the poor health condition is nutrition values ignorance so females guide firstly on hygiene and nutrition so they can easily understand the importance of breastfeeding these all observations shows that in the community females need the nutrition and balance diet awareness so she can safe her own life and provide breastfeeding to their child.  Sidra to interactions with females she gives an overview about the IC and its work regarding mother and child health all females emphasis on the importance of breastfeeding of child. Females gives their feedback about the celebration and appreciated the work of IC for health at the end all participants thanks for joining us in the celebration and spread all the key messages in the community for welfare of the people.


    1-       Nutrition and balance diet plays a very important role in our daily life. Nutrition values should be understand by everyone because a healthily person can take care of our family and serve the country by work. So we should all follow the nutrition values and balance diet importance in our life and guide all specially children’s and females we should follows diet plans and chats to improve the condition of health.

    2-    Antenatal care postnatal care :

    We also include the topic of antenatal care in our session because many antenatal and postnatal females female were present in the session .it was observed and to be very sad that they were not in good health condition we told them about the food and diet plan they should be follow during pregnancy periods. As they know about the health and hygiene issues nutrition diet and breastfeeding’s also discussed in detailed the danger signs during the pregnancy and also about postnatal care. They told us about their health condition and the problems they are facing. And also guide the females for regular checkup and told them about the importance of hospital deliveries. Especially we discussed about three delays in detail.

    Key objectives:

    • Important instructions of food for pregnant females and lactating women.
    • Nutrition and balance diet for mother and children’s.
    • During pregnancy danger signs because of poor condition of nutrition and balance diet.
    • Regular checkup of antenatal and postnatal.
    • Consult to the doctor during danger signs.
    • Use of healthy food in their diet plan.
    • Safe deliveries.
    • Three delays.
    • Postnatal care and checkup.
    • Diet for postnatal care.
    • Follow the breast feeding session.
    • Essential new born care.
    • FP consults to the doctor.
    • Health and hygiene


    • Lack of awareness regarding health and hygiene or nutrition.
    • No awareness regarding breastfeeding.
    • Lack of knowledge regarding health issues.
    • No interest in agricultural work and kitchen grading,
    • For behavior change a lot of efforts should be need.
    • Females want to know about a lot of information regarding health.
    • They also so wants changes in their life.
    • No nutrition values in the community.
    • Problem of water and hospitals are identifying by females in every session.
    • Weak linkages with government departments.
    • Poverty in the areas.
    • Expectation of the people.
    • Use of dirty water.
    • Malnutrition issues identify.
    • Children and women’s food deficiency.
    • Poor condition of health of pregnant women’s.
    • Male dominated area.
    • No interest in agricultural production
    • Females take interest in the session and learn more knowledge regarding health.
    • Need some practice for behavior change of the community?
    • Mixed community is living here some house condition were good and majority belong to poor families.
    • No stress on female education.
    • Lack of women empowerment.
    • Water and gas issues.

    Fears of people and negative rumors of the NGOs in the community


    • Outcomes and results:
    • Community awareness rising increased regarding breastfeeding.
    • A female knows the importance of breastfeeding.
    • To control the death rates in children's.
    • Females encourage the efforts doing for breastfeeding week.
    • In future every mother knows the importance of breast feeding.
    • Health and hygiene situation clarity in community.
    • Discourage all females the bottle feed for child.
    • To know the values of health and hygiene.
    • Capacity building of all females regarding topics.
    • Spread key messages in the community.





    Reported by: Sidragul (RSP)



  20. Proceeding: Activity was started with the recitation of holy Quran by a volunteer participant after that an introductory session of RSP and Participants accomplished to develop interaction. Furthermore proceeding RSP presented a brief introduction of organization and the objective of the IC inter corporation to promote the nutrition values and sustainable agricultural development in beer union council. At first previous meeting decisions were revised and meeting agenda was shared with all participants. After providing an over view of all pre requisites, came to the topic health and hygiene which is most of important topic among all   then we discussed how the different disease spread due to un hygienic condition of the people in community and how can we control over these diseases to follow up all guidelines and pamphlets shares with you hopefully all community members take a great advantages to learn all health and hygiene information and apply all those practices in their daily routine life. And hope so in future they will be able to guide more people. Then we came to the point of the nutrition values in our life if we follow all hygiene instruction then we can got the nutrition values in our food items during the session different answers questions were asked from all females the way they are using food how they are follow hygiene in their daily routine fresh foods and vegetable can improved the nutrients deficiency in the childrens and females female is appreciated the IC efforts for doing the best work the betterment of health issues and also introduced the organic farming Organic farming is an integrated system of farming which sustains the fertility of the soil, increases the productivity of the crops and enhances biological diversity and limits the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, increases the water holding capacity of the soil and makes nutrients availability to the crop plants. Ultimately the rich nutrient crops are encouraged to supply balance dietary food nutrition to the people and control over the effects of malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies. To disseminate the information to the people the work has been started under the MAAN project with the support of International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM), in Beer Union Council of Haripur district. So females take interest in the agricultural development and told that we try to focus on kitchen grading as now we knows the advantages of kitchen grading and nutrition values and this way we can got fresh foods and vegetables for our families.


    Objective of the visit:

    • Awareness rising of community about health and hygiene or nutrition values.
    • To increased the level of knowledge about health and hygiene at community level.
    • Islamic concept regarding health and hygiene importance.
    • To control all diseases especially seasonal diseases speared in community.
    • To follow hygiene all guidelines in our daily life.
    • To realized the community about the importance of nutrition and hygiene values.
    • To emphasis for kitchen grading in domestic level.
    • Female’s capacity building regarding all topics.
    • To promote the good habits of the community regarding hygiene.
    • Use of clean water.
    • Use of fresh vegetables and food in daily routine,
    • TO follow all Pamphlets daily routine.
    • Picture demonstration of hygiene activity
      • Awareness rising session on Nutrition and balance diet for females and child in the community.
      • To improve the nutrition and balance diet in the community.
      • Diversity in nutrition and balance diet.
      • Capacity building regarding nutrition and balance diet.
      • Nutrition promotion messages.
      • Importance of nutrition and balance diet.
      • Additional messages for nutrition and balance diet.
      • Diet plan chat with complete picture.
      • Key role of balance diet to promote nutrition.

    1-       Nutrition and balance diet  : nutrition and balance diet plays a very important role in our daily life. Nutrition values should be understand by everyone because a healthily person can take care of our family and serve the country by work. So we should all follow the nutrition values and balance diet importance in our life and guide all specially children’s and females we should follows diet plans and chats to improve the condition of health.

    2-       Awareness rising session on Nutrition and balance diet for females and child in the community.

    - To improve the nutrition and balance diet in the community.

    3 - Diversity in nutrition and balance diet.

    4- Capacity building regarding nutrition and balance diet.

    5- Nutrition promotion messages.

    6- Importance of nutrition and balance diet.

    7- Additional messages for nutrition and balance diet.

    8- Diet plan chat with complete picture.

    9- Key role of balance diet to promote nutrition.

    10 – Foods groups and its importance.

    11 – Important food components and its use in daily life.



    • Topics regarding health and hygiene :


    • Hands washing.


    • Body cleanliness.


    • Domestic cleanliness out of home.


    • Principles of health and hygiene.


    • Promotion of good values regarding hygiene.


    • The ways to use the clean water.


    • How to protect our families from these diseases.


    • How to follow all value to eating good food.


    • Pictures and pamphlets shows to explain our point of view.




    • Lack of awareness regarding health and hygiene or nutrition.


    • No nutrition values in the community.


    • Problem of water and hospitals are identifying by females in every session.


    • Weak linkages with government departments.


    • Poverty in the areas.


    • Expectation of the people.


    • Use of dirty water.


    • Malnutrition issues identify.


    • Children and women’s food deficiency.


    • Poor condition of health of pregnant women’s.


    • Male dominated area.


    • No interest in agricultural production


    • Females take interest in the session and learn more knowledge regarding health.


    • Need some practice for behavior change of the community?


    • Mixed community is living here some house condition is good some belong to poor families.


    • No stress on female education.


    • Fears of people and negative rumors of the NGOs in the community.


    • less resources.



    • Expected result :
    •  We can increase the level of the knowledge and capacity building regarding health and hygiene and nutrition.
    • Nutrition improvement in the community.
    • Awareness increased of the community.
    • Agricultural sustainability.
    • Strong linkages with females.
    • Kitchen grading promotion.
    • Negative effects of health’s.
    • Organic agriculture importance.
    • Disease control techniques.
    • Behavior change regarding hygiene and nutrition values,

    Good habits regarding food,


     Challenges and problems :

    •  Negative Behavior of the people
    • Nutrition values.
    • Secreted houses in far away.
    •  Hide their personal information.
    • No awareness about health.
    • Timing issues. Climate changes.
    • Very hot weather.
    • Walking distance.
    • NGOs negative impression.
    • Negative behavior of people about food.
    • No interest shows in agriculture productions.
    • Water problem in every place.
    •  Mostly contain on mountainous areas.
    • No awareness about agricultural productions.
    • Lack of education in the areas.
    • Very weak condition of child and specially pregnant women’s
    • Less use of dairy products in their diet.
    • Low status of health.
    • Expectations and hopes to the the project.
    • No any identifications cards.
    • Health and hygiene problems.
    • No awareness regarding balance diet.



    • Communities were very pleased with this activity as they gained valuable
    • Nutrition vales understanding.
    • Awareness of community regarding topics.
    • To follow the all guidelines.
    • Promote good values regarding health and hygiene and nutrition values.
    • Clean water use methodology.
    • Behavior change regarding nutrition and hygiene.
    • Communities understand the vales of health and hygiene and nutrition
    • Agricultural sustainability.
    • Kitchen gardening.
    • Knowledge level increased.
    • Childrens education increase regarding health and hygiene.

     Status of accomplishments:

       Activity is completed 

     Actual result:

    Regular meeting

      Capacity build

    Reported by Sidragul





    Proceeding: Activity was started with the recitation of holy Quran by a volunteer participant after that an introductory session of RSP and Participants accomplished to develop interaction. Furthermore proceeding RSP presented a brief introduction of organization and the objective of the IC inter corporation to promote the nutrition values and sustainable agricultural development in beer union council. At first previous meeting decisions were revised and meeting agenda was shared with all participants. After providing an over view of all pre requisites, came to the follow hygiene in their daily routine fresh foods and vegetable can improved the nutrients deficiency in the childrens and females female is appreciated the IC efforts for doing the best work the betterment of health issues and also introduced the organic farming Organic farming is an integrated system of farming which sustains the fertility of the soil, increases the productivity of the crops and enhances biological diversity and limits the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, increases the water holding capacity of the soil and makes nutrients availability to the crop plants. Ultimately the rich nutrient crops are encouraged to supply balance dietary food nutrition to the people and control over the effects of malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies. To disseminate the information to the people the work has been started under the MAAN project with the support of International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM), in Beer Union Council of Haripur district. So females take interest in the agricultural development and told that we try to focus on kitchen grading as now we knows the advantages of kitchen grading and nutrition values and this way we can got fresh foods and vegetables for our families. Kitchen regarding importance and the female interest developed regarding.

    Objective of the visit

    1-To create interest of the female regarding kitchen grading

    2-        Awareness rising about importance of kitchen grading.

    3 – Awareness rising in the community regarding production of food.

    4- Capacity building regarding kitchen grading at household level.

    5- Kitchen grading promotion messages.

    6- Importance of nutrition and balance diet.

    7- Knowledge share about kitchen safety and hygiene condition.

    8- To change the behavior of the people towards kitchen grading.

    9- How kitchen grading provide us fresh and healthy food and as a good hobby.          

    10 – Kitchen grading in Pakistan and others countries.

    11 – Seeds distribution for kitchen gardening.

    12- To guide them to increase the productivity for sustainable agriculture.

    13- To create interest of females in kitchen gardening and agricultural production.

    14- The main crops production in the areas.

    15 – Females participation in kitchen grading and agricultural production.

    16 – Kitchen grading at small level to increase the productivity.

    17- Knowledge share regarding kitchen grading









     Kitchen Gardening

    Many housewives have started gardening activities at home as it helps pass time and gives a good output. Kitchen garden can comprise of a wide range of fruits, vegetables and spices grown at the backyard of your house. Kitchen garden is not necessarily outside the kitchen door. It can be in the backyard near the kitchen or to the wall adjacent to the kitchen. There are quite a few tips for kitchen gardening and to utilize vegetable gardening to its fullest. You may grow tomatoes, chilly, onions, tamarind, basil, curry leaves, lemon and so on. There is a large list of plants you can grow in vegetable gardening. It depends on the climatic conditions, soil type and your dedication. Here are some tips for kitchen gardening.

    Tips for kitchen gardening are:

    1. Nurture: Your plants need a lot of nurturing in the initial stage. Each plant has different needs and necessities. You must work accordingly and provide the nutrients required.

    2. The Sunbath Area: Always choose the backyard space that receives an ample amount of sunlight. The sun is the source of energy for plants and it stimulates the growth of plants. Plants should get an ample amount of sunlight for 5-6 hours a day. Therefore, avoid shady areas for growing your vegetable garden.

    3. Continual Process: Kitchen gardening is not a once in a week procedure. Once started you have to continue and nurture your garden well like a kid.

    4. The Water Content: The soil chosen for vegetable gardening should have sufficient water content and should be naturally drained regularly. Too much or too less of water is not appropriate for plants.

    5. Maintain the Garden: Once you plant your crop, maintain it well. Each crop has different harvesting periods. When harvesting take good care of avoiding damage to the crops. This is an important tip for kitchen gardening.

    6. Prepare the soil: The soil where you are planning to put your vegetable garden needs to be prepared. Remove the rough stones and patches from the soil. Add compost to make the soil good for gardening.

    7. Rotate: Just like the Crop Rotation Technique used in farming, rotate your plants according to seasons. This will keep the soil fertilized and give you a variety in vegetables and fruits.

    8. Plant Selection: Always select the vegetables and fruits that you want to grow beforehand. The selection should be based on the soil type, the suitability of the crop to the soil and climatic factor and the daily requirement of the plant.

    9. Water the Plants: Regular watering is very necessary. Imagine a day you spend without water. The same the plants go through when not watered regularly. Especially the saplings need water as their roots are not yet developed to absorb water from deep soil depths.

    10. Design: Make a proper design and layout of your vegetable garden. You must be sure of which crop or plant to use and where to use the same. The layout will make your garden look organized. The maintenance also reduces and becomes easier.

    Out comes and result:

    • Community aware about kitchen grading importance.
    • Capacity building of females regarding kitchen grading
    • Nutrition values clarity
    • Source of fresh vegetables and fruits.
    • Female understand the value of kitchen grading.
    • Home base kitchen gardening promotion



      Capacity build

    Reported by Sidragul





    Exposure visit to Rsps groups on 1st September first of all the visit planed to the group of Respected and most senior RSP Mr. mian abbasi where the training of the groups member were proceeding by the female trainer their also male training were arranged in the village of Nelore the training theme is about kitchen gardening A large numbers of females and males were join the training session the purpose of exposure visit is to interaction with females of the areas and to know the interest of the people about training on kitchen gardening after introduction session,  gave them the orientation about the project and the work and the sessions was conducting in the areas of Nelore and discussed  series of topics which were discussed in Nelore and others catchments areas. Females take interest in the topics and asked the different questions regarding health and hygiene and nutrition.atfter orientation training was start after orientation we see females really take interest in the training give feedback about the training first day gave them the time and date for the next detail session. There is so many things I have observed about females it would be helpful for me to covered all area and provide them to knowledge about all important topics, at last thanks to all participants to give me the time and take interest in the discussion. And at the end thanks to Mr Abbasi to give me permission for the visit to his group then we according to the plan visit to sir Amir group to watch the theater activity about the nutrition and kitchen gardening my female groups members also join us in theater drama. Give us more information and innovation about the activities there we give the orientation about the Awareness rising topic and about the work, IC regarding nutrition and sustainable agriculture.


    Objective of the visit:

    • To Aware the community about health and hygiene topics
    • Meet with the community members
    • Developed linkages with the Lhvs and Tba
    • Learning and capacity building
    • To know about the health and hygiene condition in the areas
    • To know the females interests about kitchen gardening
    • To attend the training session of kitchen gardening for increased the level of knowledge.
    • Give orientation to the females about all works and topics.
      • Awareness rising of community about health and hygiene.
      • To increased the level of knowledge about health and hygiene at community level.
      • Islamic concept regarding health and hygiene importance.
      • To control all diseases especially seasonal diseases speared in community.
      • To follow hygiene all guidelines in our daily life.
      • To promote the good habits of the community regarding hygiene.
      • Use of clean water.
      • Use of fresh vegetables and food in daily routine,
      • TO follow all Pamphlets daily routine.


    Observations :

    • Lack of awareness regarding health and hygiene or nutrition.
    • No nutrition values in the community.
    • Problem of water and hospitals are identifying by females in every session.
    • Weak linkages with government departments.
    • Poverty in the areas.
    • Expectation of the people.
    • Use of dirty water.
    • Malnutrition issues identify.
    • Nutrition deficiencies
    •  No interest in Kitchen gardening
    • Children and women’s food deficiency.
    • Poor condition of health of pregnant women’s.
    • Male dominated area.
    • No interest in agricultural production
    • Females take interest in the session and learn more knowledge regarding health.
    • Need some practice for behavior change of the community?
    • Mixed community is living here some house condition is good some belong to poor families.
    • No stress on female education.
    • Fears of people and negative rumors of the NGOs in the community.

    Expected result :

    • We can increase the level of the knowledge and capacity building regarding health and hygiene.
    • To cover the areas
    • Awareness increased of the community.
    • Disease control techniques.
    • Behavior change regarding hygiene values,
    • Good habits regarding food,
    • To follow the all guidelines.
    • Promote good values regarding health.
    • Clean water use methodology.
    • Communities understand the vales of health and hygiene.

    Challenges and problems :

    •  Negative Behavior of the people
    • Nutrition values.
    • Secreted houses in far away.
    •  Hide their personal information.
    • No awareness about health.
    • Timing issues. Climate changes.
    • Very hot weather.
    • Walking distance.
    • Negative behavior of people about food.
    • No interest shows in agriculture productions.
    • Water problem in every place.
    •  Mostly contain on mountainous areas.
    • No awareness about agricultural productions.
    • Lack of education in the areas.
    • Very weak condition of child and specially pregnant women’s
    • Less use of dairy products in their diet.
    • Low status of health.
    • Expectations and hopes to the the project.
    • No any identifications cards.
    • Health and hygiene problems.
    • No awareness regarding balance diet.


     Status of accomplishments:

       Activity is completed 


    • Communities were very pleased with this activity as they gained valuable knowledge in maintaining healthy & hygienic life styles for themselves & their families.
    • Awareness rise about Hygiene.
    • Capacity building of group.
    • Group strengthens.
    • Behavior change of the community regarding nutrition values and health and hygiene.
    • Experiences share regarding health and hygiene.








    To address globalization challenges, the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) articulated the principles of organic agriculture through a worldwide participatory stakeholder process. The process aimed to bridge the values from the pioneers of organic agriculture to the present time of globalization and to extended growth of the organic sector. As a result the principles of health, ecology, fairness and care are now worldwide considered as the basis from which organic agriculture grows and develops. The four principles offer a perspective on how to deal with the challenges of globalization.

    HELVETAS Swiss Inter-Cooperation’ works in Pakistan, and supports livelihood program for rural households in improving their livelihood strategies based on their potentials. Furthermore it aims to reduce their vulnerabilities caused by various factors such as natural disasters; it is also implementing a new social security and rural development project.

    For the inception of the project ‘Nutrition in Mountain Agro-Eco System’ Beer Union Council of district Haripur, has been selected to undertake the work on nutrition sensitive agriculture to reduce the negative effects of malnutrition and nutrition deficiencies. A yesterday until the moment she woke up today, in the selected areas of Beer Union Council. The guidelines and formats were provided to predict the score data the basic purpose of this project reduce the nutrition deficiency and improve the agricultural growth for sustainability for this purpose many of RSPs working in different areas the betterment of the people for the improvement in all nutritional and agricultural field. For this purpose community awareness raising sessions were conducted in different areas to realized the importance of nutrition and organic agriculture suitability to change the behavior of the people towards these topics all RSPs working with enthusiastically in the community. Besides these we Aware the community on different topics regarding health and hygiene and nutrition importance and others topics like kitchen grading or agricultural work for females .in this regards we celebrate some important celebration in the field to aware the community about topics. For this purpose we have celebrate the event of world breastfeeding week in the community. The first step to mobilization of any community regarding topics need to behavior change strategy because community mobilization is processes to assess the people bring change in their life and sustainability. So we take the responsibility to aware the community regarding all important topics then we can got positive result towards the community.



    World breastfeeding week celebration in the community:

    World Breastfeeding Week is observed every year from 1-7 August, across the globe including Pakistan to put the spotlight on the importance of breastfeeding to save and strengthen children’s lives. WBW came up for the first time in 1991 with the goal to protect and promote exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life which yields tremendous life ling health benefits, provides critical nutrients a child needs and protection from life threatening diseases and fostering mental and physical growth.


    The 2016 world breastfeeding week celebrations theme is “Breastfeeding: A key to sustainable Development which illustrate that how breastfeeding is a key element in getting us to think about how to value our wellbeing from the start of life, how to respect each other and care for the world we share.


    Objectives of breastfeeding week Celebrations in the community:

    • Community awareness rising regarding exclusively breastfeeding.
    • To convey the message of Islam regarding breast feeding.
    • Arrange the awareness rising in the community for educated the people on breastfeeding.
    • Exclusive breastfeeding up to 6months to 2years.
    • Breastfeeding importance for mother and baby
    • Awareness raising in females of the community especially pregnant and lactating mothers.
    • To promote breastfeeding practices in the females
    • Encourage elders female of the community to promote the breastfeeding in the houses
    • to provide the children breastfeeding till 2 years as the right of the child according to Islam
    • To reduce the infant death rate in the community.
    • To control the diseases speared in the result of artificial milk.
    • Ensure health and hygiene issues in Childs.
    • To aware the community regarding benefits of breastfeeding.
    • Engaged all family members to encourage the breastfeeding.
    • To reduce like cancer and others disease in females.
    • Breastfeeding is a nutrient diet provided all energy to the child.
    • Breastfeeding is a natural diet plan for childrens.
    • to realized the community about the importance of breastfeeding.




     breast feeding activity in the community: activity starts with the recitation of holy Quran all members of community were warmly welcomed by the IC member. After brief introductory session the honorable guest along with Miss Shazia were present in the celebration the agenda of today is share with all female ” the breastfeeding celebration” on 5th august 2016 after brainstorming session about the breastfeeding we starts the topic of health and hygiene and nutrition values in our life. Then we came to the agenda point of breast feeding female gives us different opinion on the breastfeeding we discussed in detailed about the advantages of breastfeeding in detailed. it was observed that females have no awareness regarding breastfeeding after shared all information with females and others elders of the community they realized the importance of breastfeeding of the child till 2years.females told that her lower status of health condition and poor conditions of the house is not allow for breastfeeding some of nutrient deficiencies are shared by the members of the community. The cause behind the poor health condition is nutrition values ignorance so females guide firstly on hygiene and nutrition so they can easily understand the importance of breastfeeding these all observations shows that in the community females need the nutrition and balance diet awareness so she can safe her own life and provide breastfeeding to their child. Miss Shazia invite to interactions with females she gives an overview about the IC and its work regarding mother and child health she emphasis on the importance of breastfeeding of child. Females gives their feedback about the celebration and appreciated the work of IC for health at the end all participants thanks for joining us in the celebration and spread all the key messages in the community for welfare of the people.


    • Outcomes and results:
    • Community awareness rising increased regarding breastfeeding.
    • A female knows the importance of breastfeeding.
    • To control the death rates in childrens.
    • Females encourage the efforts doing for breastfeeding week.
    • In future every mother knows the importance of breast feeding.
    • Health and hygiene situation clarity in community.
    • Discourage all females the bottle feed for child.
    • To know the values of health and hygiene.
    • Capacity building of all females regarding topics.
    • Spread key messages in the community.





    Reported by: Sidragul (RSP)




  24. Sustainable Agriculture Techniques

    Sustainable agriculture provides high yields without undermining the natural systems and resources that productivity depends on. Farmers who take a sustainable approach work efficiently with natural processes rather than ignoring or struggling against them – and use the best of current knowledge and technology to avoid the unintended consequences of industrial, chemical-based agriculture. One important result is that farmers are able to minimize their use of pesticides and fertilizers, thereby saving money and protecting future productivity, as well as the environment.

    Below are some of the most common sustainable agriculture techniques employed by farmers today to achieve the key goals of weed control, pest control, disease control, erosion control and high soil quality:

    • Crop Rotation
    • Cover Crops
    • Soil Enrichment
    • Natural Pest Predators
    • Biointensive Integrated Pest Management

    Crop Rotation

    Crop rotation—growing different crops in succession in the same field—is one of the most powerful techniques of sustainable agriculture, and avoids the unintended consequences of putting the same plants in the same soil year after year. It is a key element of the permanent and effective solution to pest problems because many pests have preferences for specific crops, and continuous growth of the same crop guarantees them a steady food supply, so that populations increase. For example, right now European corn borers are often a significant pest in the United States because most corn is grown in continuous cultivation or in two-year rotations with soybeans. Four- or five-year rotations would control not only corn borers, but many other corn pests as well. In fact, rotation reduces pest pressure on all the crops in the rotation by breaking the pest reproductive cycles.

    In rotations, farmers can also plant crops, like soybeans and other legumes, that replenish plant nutrients, thereby reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. For instance, corn grown in a field previously used to grow soybeans needs less added nitrogen to produce high yields.

    On a related note, the importance of crop rotation as a defense against pest infestations should be a key part of any discussion about growing crops for bioenergy purposes. Government policies to encourage bioenergy crops should not inadvertently encourage farmers to forgo crop rotation in favor of planting corn year after year. 

    Learn more about crop rotation

    Cover Crops

    Many farmers also take advantage of the benefits of having plants growing in the soil at all times, rather than leaving the ground bare between cropping periods, which produces unintended problems. The planting of cover crops such as hairy vetch, clover, or oats helps farmers achieve the basic goals of:

    • preventing soil erosion,
    • suppressing weeds, and
    • enhancing soil quality.

    Using appropriate cover crops is worth the extra effort because it reduces the need for chemical inputs like herbicides, insecticides, and fertilizers.

    Learn more about cover crops

    Soil Enrichment

    Soil is arguably the single most prized element of agricultural ecosystems. Healthy soil teems with life, including many beneficial microbes and insects, but these are often killed off by the overuse of pesticides. Good soils can improve yields and produce robust crops less vulnerable to pests; abused soils often require heavy fertilizer application to produce high yields. Soil quality can be maintained and enhanced in many ways, including leaving crop residues in the field after harvest, plowing under cover crops, or adding composted plant material or animal manure.

    Natural Pest Predators

    Understanding a farm as an ecosystem rather than a factory offers exciting opportunities for effective pest control. For example, many birds, insects, and spiders are natural predators of agricultural pests. Managing farms so that they harbor populations of pest predators is a sophisticated and effective pest-control technique. One of the unfortunate consequences of intensive use of chemical pesticides is the indiscriminate killing of birds, bats, and other pest predators.

    Biointensive Integrated Pest Management

    One of the most promising technologies is the control of pests through integrated pest management (IPM). This approach relies to the greatest possible extent on biological rather than chemical measures, and emphasizes the prevention of pest problems with crop rotation; the reintroduction of natural, disease-fighting microbes into plants/soil, and release of beneficial organisms that prey on the pests. Once a particular pest problem is identified, responses include the use of sterile males, biocontrol agents like ladybugs. Chemical pesticides are only used as a last resort.

      • Present position of organic farming before project inception

      Village Kacchi

      Village Kacchi is the central place in lower Tanawal and is situated in the foot hills on left bank of river Siran, the present village is the result of the migration of the people from the old village Kacchi in 1973, due to the effect of Tarbela Dam Reservoir, and the people shifted to the nearest foot hills expanded to about 5 sq. km, the topography of the area constitutes terraced fields with agro-forestry canopy on the terrace risers and small hill torrents coming from the hills, the lands are fertile and the people almost apply traditional organic farm of agriculture system with limited technology of modern techniques of composting, the farmers own 5 to 8 kanals of land each on average, and 5 to 7 cattle including buffalo, cows and goats, they dump up organic waste and animal excreta usually in their fields where the compost is to be used, the organic waste is exposed to the open sunlight and erratic weather conditions where greater chance of fertility losses take place, and consequently the farmers suffer a lot in economical and nutritional deficiencies, the present situation before the inception of the MAAN project is summarized  below:

      The farmers dump or deposit organic waste on open places near or at the corner of their fields where the compost is to be used, the compost sites are exposed to the sun light and nitrogen is lost in the form of nitrite through evaporation and during rainy season it is leached down in the form of nitrate in to the sub soil or sub strata, the loss of nitrogen is the loss of fertility, which negatively effects crop production and yields and the farmers economically suffer by the situation in prevailing in the area, the production of the crops is not up to the mark as they do not take preventive measures for the losses caused by the external offensive act of small animals, hens, children and weather vagaries, the resultant factors cause heavy losses to fertility and fermentation of the organic waste properly, and less ability of the organic waste to convert in to humus, which provides nutrients accessibility to the plant’s roots to develop crop growth and maintains nutrients balance in crop yields, compost making require proper attention to restrain its richness and capacity to increase the productivity of crops  and to reduce the affects of malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies, the present state of compost application, when applied to the field is dumped in small heaps scattered all over the field surface at intervals and is left to sun light and weather for a longer time of two months before dispersing and ploughing in the field for sowing, the practice seems having drawbacks of loosing precious nitrogen and fertility  again  while it should have been mixed with the soil and ploughed well before the next ploughing and sowing. It is has also been observed that the compost material have not been fully fermented and raw compost is directly applied to the fields before maturing which increase the chances of disease contamination to the subsequent crops, and is also left to sun shine and weather for losing the nitrogen and fertility for a period of two or more months on the field surface, I noticed that this practice losts since May to July 2016, while in the mid of July the fields are ploughed after monsoon rain for sowing maize / kharif crop, the farmers are either unaware of the mature organic fertilizer and its application or bounded to traditional ties of agriculture farming. However they do not lose the concept of organic farming in their agriculture system of farming and need further awareness for proper preparation of mature compost manure and its timely application, many of them claim that new technology of heap making and their turn over at the intervals of 2, 5, 9, and three weeks more to complete 12 weeks since start is a laborious task and needs timely care for generating  conducive environment for fermentation of organic waste in wet condition and avoiding dry as well as saturated condition in which the fermentation process is ceased down.

      Some of the typical examples of the present organic farming in Kacchi village during kharif season 2016 are presented for organic material deposits, and its application in the field, ploughing, sowing and germination, in general the farmers deposit their organic waste for the season in their fields either at the corner or at the sides of the field where the compost is to be used,  usually during the month of May, the compost deposited is excavated and applied to the field in shape of small heaps, which are left till the mid of July rainfall, ploughed and sown,  figures represent different stages of organic matter deposit, its use, ploughing and sowing, after germination of the seed the farmer has started re-depositing organic waste material for the next season. Organic manure applied to the field in form of heaps and left in the field for a longer period to sunshine and erratic weather losing nitrogen, still responses crop germination. The heaps are dispersed over the soil and the land is ploughed and sown on receipt of first rainfall during monsoon season in the month of July every year 

      The pictures review the same practice of heaping the organic manure in their respective fields and the resultant germination of the maize crop, while asked the local farmers they interpreted that only one crop rotation exists and that is ‘wheat-maize or fallow ’ each year, 


  25. Present Situation before Project Interception:

    Organic Farming:

    The farmers of Beer Union Council farm organically in one or the other way:

    Village Nolaki:


    The farmer normally possesses 3 to 5 cattle  on average, comprising of cow and goats and they deposit organic waste and animal excreta in their lands near the field or in the field at its corner often under a tree. They have limited availability of organic waste for two cropping seasons of Kharif and Rabbi. They utilize the deposited organic manure for each season by parts i.e some parts of the field are treated with organic manure in one season and the remaining portions are treated with organic manure in the next season, alternatively.   


    The cultivated fertile land is situated near the village in the foot hills in terraced topography / landscape with agro-forestry canopy on the 

    terrace risers of the fields. The fields are plane and fertile in terraced form. The limited availability restricts high production of the crops. The crop yields obtained hardly meet their food requirements of 3-4 months and for the rest of the period they purchase from the market.

    The organic farm practices do exist in different way; they dump or deposit organic waste material in open field / places at the corner of the fields usually under a tree shadow, is likely somewhat questionable, as the compost waste looses nitrogen being exposed to the sunlight and weather conditions, and not turning of heaps at intervals of 2, 5, 9 and 12 weeks for proper completion

     of  fermentation process. The practice needs to bring behavioral change of the mind set of people to adapt

    NMA - Micro-interventions (MI) to get more yields / benefits from crop production to meet the malnutrition and nutrient deficiencies.

    The other practice which is in vogue needs to motivate the people, to avoid using the dung cakes as fuel or firewood, totally destroying the precious gradients of organic material just for low benefit, while presence of sufficient forest wood or other means of firewood in the area. Though the practice is at limited scale, but sufficient organic material is totally destroyed and the crop production enormously suffers. The situation in the area is alarming to combat nutrient deficiencies.







    Village Tilhalla:


    The situation in the village is not different from the above, they deposit compost waste on open slopes & sunlight and do not take care of proper maintenance and protection and the organic material is wasted which otherwise could be used for high crop yields. They produce crop yields to meet their 3-4 months requirements of their food, and for the rest of the period purchase from market, by earning through daily wages or businesses. The land holdings are small and the farmer owns 3 to 5 Kanals on average.  


    1. Dear Mahmood Elahi bhai, 

      Thank you for sharing your experience, finally i see that there is something we are changing with this project. We can not always just talk and talk about nutrition and diversity, we need also to show that on the ground. How is it now? did people change their opinion about dumping and wasting? did they start using in their filed or kitchen garden? do they see the difference in costs and also taste of products from the natural soil? 

  26. Practical efforts to Restore Organic Farming in village Hill U/C Beer  According to my MI (growing high value vegetables&crops by using Organic Methodology ) following measures are taken by me , In my awairness sessions i focussed on adopting Organic way of farming so as a mission I take resposibility to recognizing value of Organic Farming among my villagers farmers ,in my sessions i stress only on why Organic

    1 Compost and plant waste are environment friendly

    2  Replenish & maintain soil fertility

    3 Eleminate the uses of toxic &persistent chemical pesticides and fertilizer

    4 Restore ,maintain, and enhance ecological harmony

    5 Build & support biological diverse agriculture

    6 In village Hill make ensure that all farmers must keep Organic practices and products used

    As a result i make some basic  achievement to start organic way in village Hill comost has been placed in fields and some pieces of land has been prepared and in some fields vegetables has been been growing and soon abile to bring to market in coming months organic methodology will be adopted  in village Hill by all farmers and every vegetable and wheat crop will be organic                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


    1. Hoping to see the better results soon Nadeem Kaini. and then it could be case study so please update us

  27. some others activities pictures Tilhalah


  28. Identification and moblization of women Dec 18

  29. Organic Farming activity at village Hill and field visit with male and female farmers.

  30. آج شرکاء اردو میں لکھنے کے بارے میں سیکھا. ابتدائی طور پر یہ بہت مشکل لگ رہا تھا لیکن محنت یہ ممکن بنا دیا. ایک شخص انگریزی میں رپورٹ نہیں دے سکتے تو وہ اردو میں ابھی دیکھ سکتے ہیں. پڑھنے عام سامعین کے لئے اس سے بھی زیادہ آسان ہو جائے گا.

    1. Thanks Mahmood Elahi for sharing your report here

  31. Activity report for quarter January 2017 to March 2017 RSP Amjad






    Awareness session




    Training program




    Awareness Session




    Sensitization workshop




    Awareness Session




    Training program




    Sensitization workshop




    Awareness session




    Sensitization workshop




    The most encouraging thing was people behavior, which was very encouraging. All during the month of February fruit plant distribution was also conducted and almost 20 demonstration sites were planted with fruit plant. The results are up-to mark until this report and can be verified at any visit.    

  32. good efforts amjad sahb 


    1. thnks babar sb


  33. aoa   nice to see you here

  34. Quarterly Progress Report (January-March 2017)


    Conducted By RSP Iffat Kalsoom:

    • Replication of Compost Making Training (7th January 2017) in Village Bhat on the demand of women’s community group of RSP Aniqa Khurshid
    • NMA- Meeting with National Program Officer (13.01.2017) - Review of progress and finalize MI deadline,  and Advocacy plan discussions 
    • Application Methodology- Practical Display of Compost Making with female farmers (3rd February 2017) in village Tilihala
    • Application Methodology- Practical Display of Compost Making with female farmers (5th  February 2017) in village Tilihala
    • Establishment of Compost Making Sites (10th & 11th February 2017) in village Tilihala
    • Compost Making Training (7th & 8th March 2017) in village Nolaki
    • Participated in Knowledge Management on NMA, MAAN Page Urdu language learning (15th & 16th March 2017)-organized by IC Peshawar Team
    • Preparation of Case-study on organic farming village Tilihala of Beer Union Council.
    • Application Methodology- Practical Display of Compost Making with female farmers (30th  March 2017) in village Nolaki
    • Establishment of Compost Making Sites (31st March 2017) in village Nolaki
































  35. Good work Masha Allah

  36. Babar bhai ham MAAN page par kam nazar atay thay ab itnay nazar aein gay kay log b thak jain gay


    1. Amjad bahi phr nai nazar ay ap MAAN page par 

  37. 25 female farmers from three groups of village Nolaki and Tilihal visited the Compost Sites of Village Soha & Kachi in an exchange visit under the facilitation of RSP Mr. Mehmood Elahi. He conducted this visit on those site which are formed by his farmers at village Soha and Kachi.He oriented about compost making sites through which females benefited a lot and gained information about compost making and forming. On this activity with female farmers, male farmers also participated in the exchange visit. RSP Nargis Bibi also participated in the exchange visit and provided the information regarding health and nutrition.

Pakistan PAK