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  • To discuss baseline issues with RSPs
  • To motivate RSPs for better coordination among themselves.
  • MAAN usage
  • Finalize topics for Webinar and dates
  • Dates for 2nd F2F
  • Chalk out plan for monitoring visit in Beer

Discussion items


Action items

  • The meeting started with the recitation of Holy Quran.
  •  It was told to RSPs about baseline. There were some issues in some questionnaires. Some forms were filled but in some cases there were some issues which were discussed bilaterally afetr the meeting and it was agreed that Shazia would email them separately.
  • It was urged to have coordination among the RSPs of each cluster or even other RSPs could also contribute into their activities in order to have better results. For Example if one RSP is training community on compost making then this compost could help those people who are involved in Kitchen Gardening. Similarly if an RSP is working on rain water harvesting he/she could also contribute in kitchen gardening cluster. 
  • The RSPs were urged to use MAAN page regularly. They were oriented about how to use the page and how to report at the cluster pages.
  • During second webinar it was suggested by one of the RSPs that webinar timings and dates should be changed. And it was mutually decided to let Konrad Hauptfleisch know about the decision after this meeting. During the meeting most of the participants agreed on the same dates and timings i.e Saturdays and the topics would be
    a) Value Chain-PGS
    b) Value Chain-Post harvest, marketing processing
    c) Advocacy Strategy
    d) Advocacy- National Campaign
    e) Nutrition and Nutrients, linkages to micro projects
    f) MAAN platform use and facilitation
    g) Extension
    h) Knowledge sharing, success stories in NSA
     i) Marketing survey, guidelines
  • The dates of the 2nd F2F was also discussed. Most of the participants agreed on the first week of September.
  • In the end monitoring visit for tomorrow was planned with 5 RSPs.Most of the women RSPs were busy in conducting breast feeding week awareness raising activities. So mostly women RSPs were planned to visit. among them were Sidra Gul, Saeeda Shah, Rizwana Shaheen, Iffat Kalsoom, Mahmood Elahi and Amjad.


  1. Thanks Respectable Shazia, your efforts for the MAAN Project are highly appreciable, I am pleased with your monitoring visit of Compost Site at Zaindi Kachi Union Council Beer in a very Hot Day and walked to the site.   

  2. The farmers of the Beer Union Council (area) dump up their organic waste in open places , left to the vagaries of weather and during rainy season the rain leaches down the nitrogen in the form of nitrate to the substrata or subsoil, out of the reach of plant roots, and in the sunlight the nitrogen is lost in the form of nitrite gas which evaporates and nitrogen is lost. The loss of nitrogen means the loss of fertility. As such the loss of fertility of the organic material results low crop yields to the farmers and consequently production of the area suffers greatly. The purpose of the compost making activity is to disseminate the MAAN intervention of compost making for widespread propagation and adaptation by the (other) farmers for safe and quality compost with high nutrients for increased soil productivity and crop yields to combat malnutrition and nutrients deficiencies and creating a healthy environment for nutrient sensitive agriculture.

Pakistan PAK